University of Texas-Austin
University of Texas-Austin

Group Publications

Journal Articles

  1.  L. Lapidus and T.F. Edgar. The Computation of Optimal Singular and Bang-Bang Control I: Linear Systems. AIChE Journal, Vol. 18, pp. 774-779, 1972.
  2.  L. Lapidus and T.F. Edgar.  The Computation of Optimal Singular and Bang-Bang Control II: Nonlinear Systems. AIChE Journal, Vol. 18, pp. 780-786, 1972.
  3.  J.J. McKetta and T.F. Edgar. Synthetics: A New Energy Frontier. Panhandle Magazine, special issue, January 1973.
  4.  L. Lapidus, J. Vermeychuk, and T.F. Edgar. The Linear-Quadratic Control Problem: A Review of Theory and Practice. Chem. Engr. Commun., Vol 1, pp. 57-76, 1973.
  5.  J. Tsing, J.O. Hougen, and T.F. Edgar. Application of the Minicomputer to the Feedback Control Problem. ISA Trans., Vol. 12(4), pp. 375-380, 1973.
  6.  J.B. Riggs and T.F. Edgar. Model Discrimination Difficulties in Diffusion Systems. Chem. Engr. J., Vol. 6, pp. 69-73, 1974.
  7.  J.B. Riggs and T.F. Edgar. Least Squares Reduction of Linear Systems Using Impulse Response. Intl. J. Cont., Vol. 20, pp. 213-223, 1974.
  8.  T.F. Edgar. A Course in Multivariable Control and Estimation. Chem. Engr. Educ., Vol. 8, pp. 168-171, 1974.
  9.  T.H. Tsang, D.M. Himmelblau, and T.F. Edgar. Optimal Control via Collocation and Nonlinear Programming. Intl. J. Cont., Vol. 21, pp. 763-768, 1973.
  10. T.F. Edgar. Least Squares Model Reduction Using Step Response. Intl. J. Cont., Vol. 23, pp. 261-270, 1975.
  11. T.F. Edgar. The Sensitivity of Time Domain Response to Frequency Domain Errors. Intl. J. Sys. Sci., Vol. 7, pp. 691-698, 1976.
  12. T.H. Tsang, J.O. Hougen, and T.F. Edgar. Estimation of Heat Transfer Parameters in a Packed Bed. Chem. Engr. J., Vol. 11, pp. 57-66, 1976.
  13. T.F. Edgar.  Multivariable Process Control:  Assessment and Needs.  AIChE Symposium Series, Vol. 72(159), pp. 99-111, 1977.
  14. T. Bickel, D.M. Himmelblau, and T.F. Edgar. Optimal Design of Gas Transmission Networks. Chem. Engr. Prog., Vol. 72, pp. 72-80, 1976.
  15. A. Dogru, T.N. Dixon, and T.F. Edgar. Confidence Limits on the Parameters and Predictions of One-Dimensional Slightly Compressible, Single Phase Reservoir. Soc. Petr. Engr. J., pp. 42-56, Feb 1977.
  16. T.F. Edgar and J. Schwartz. Analytical Model Reduction of Large Scale Linear Dynamic Systems. AIChE Journal, Vol. 23, pp. 948-951, 1977.
  17. J.M. Galland, B. Dinsmoor, and T.F. Edgar. The Mechanism of Channel Growth During Underground Coal Gasification. J. Petr. Technology, pp. 698-704, May 1977.
  18. T.F. Edgar. Technical, Economic, and Environmental Evaluation of Underground Coal Gasification. In Situ, Vol. 1, pp. 75-102, 1977.
  19. T.W. Thompson, S. Sen, K.E. Gray, and T.F. Edgar. The Influence of Drying and Stress on the Permeability of Texas Lignite. ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol. 99, pp. 634-640, 1977.
  20. D.W. Gregg and T.F. Edgar. In Situ Coal Gasification (Journal Review). AIChE Journal, Vol. 24, pp. 753-781, 1978.
  21. T.W. Thompson, K.E. Gray, and T.F. Edgar. An Assessment of Overburden Stability in the In Situ Gasification of Texas Lignite. AIME J. Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol. 100, pp. 285-290, 1978.
  22. J.E. Murray and T.F. Edgar. Optimal Scheduling of Production and Compression in Gas Fields. J. Petr. Technology, pp. 109-116, Jan 1978.
  23. D.M. Himmelblau, T.C. Bickel, and T.F. Edgar. Optimal Design of Gas Transmission Networks. SPE J., pp. 96-104, April 1978.
  24. C.O. Schwanke, J.O. Hougen and T.F. Edgar. Development of Multivariable Control Strategies for Distillation Coluumns. ISA Trans., Vol. 16, pp. 69-81, 1978.
  25. D. Webb and T.F. Edgar. Decoupling Controller Simplification via Model Reduction. ISA Trans., Vol. 18(4), pp. 67-74, 1979.
  26. L.S. Tung and T.F. Edgar. Analysis of Control-Output Interactions in Dynamic Systems. AIChE Journal, Vol. 27(4), pp. 690-693, 1981.
  27. M.J. Humenick, H.B. Cooper, W.R. Kaiser, and T.F. Edgar. Technical, Economic, and Environmental Factors for In Situ Gasification of Gulf Coast Lignite. Technology and the Use of Lignite, pp. 207-231, 1980.
  28. T.F. Edgar. Modeling of Underground Coal Gasification Systems. Foundations of Computer Aided Process Design, Vol. II, Engineering Foundation, pp. 367-378, 1981.
  29. M.J. Rabins, H.H. Richardson, J. Zaborszky, and T.F. Edgar. High Priority Research Relevant to Energy Issues in the Field of Process and Systems Dynamics and Control. ASME Trans. J. of Dyn. Sys., Meas. Cont., Vol. 102, pp. 202-207, 1980.
  30. R. S. Schechter and T.F. Edgar. Research on In Situ Processing. Chem. Engr. Educ., Vol. 14(4), pp. 156-161, 1980.
  31. T.F. Edgar. Computer Graphics in Chemical Engineering Education. Chem. Engr. Prog., Vol. 77(3), pp. 55-59, 1981.
  32. J. O. Hougen and T.F. Edgar. Other Synthesis Methods: Feedback Controller Design. In AIChEMI Modular Instruction Series A, Vol. 2, Module A2.8, 1981.
  33. R. Heeb, J.O. Hougen, and T.F. Edgar.  Computer Aided Process Control System Design Using Interactive Graphics. Comp. Chem. Engr., Vol. 5, pp. 225-232, 1981.
  34. T.F. Edgar. Coal Extraction without Mining. Discovery, pp. 16-19, 1982.
  35. H.P. Tseng, P.G. Christman, and T.F. Edgar. Computer Control and Data Acquisition for a Thermogravimetric Analyzer. Chem. Bio. Env. Inst., Vol. 11, pp. 377-409, 1981.
  36. T.F. Edgar. New Results and the Status of Computer Aided Process Control System Design in North America. In Chemical Process Control, Engineering Foundation, New York, pp. 213-221, 1981.
  37. M.P. Athans, P. G. Christman, and T.F. Edgar. The Sulfur Balance in Pyrolysis and Combustion, AIChE Symp. Ser., Vol. 78(216), pp. 30-41, 1982.
  38. D.M. Himmelblau H.L. Chang and T.F. Edgar. Flow Characteristics in Underground Coal Gasification.  In Situ, Vol. 6(2), pp. 143-182, 1982.
  39. P.G. Christman and T.F. Edgar. Distributed Pore Size Model for the Sulfation of Limestone. AIChE Journal, Vol. 29, pp. 388-395,1983.
  40. J.B. Riggs and T.F. Edgar. Sweep Efficiency Models for Underground Coal Gasification: A Critical Assessment, AIChE Symp. Ser., Vol. 79(226), pp. 108-119, 1983.
  41. T.F. Edgar. Research and Development on Underground Gasification of Texas Lignite, AIChE Symp. Ser., Vol. 78(216), pp. 66-76, 1983.
  42. M. J. Humenick, R. J. Charbeneau, and T.F. Edgar. Environmental Effects of In Situ Coal Gasification, AIChE Symp. Ser., Vol. 78(216), pp. 139-153, 1983.
  43. H. P. Tseng and T.F. Edgar. Identification of the Combustion Behavior of Lignite Char Between 350 and 900 C.  Fuel, Vol. 63, pp. 385-393, 1984.
  44. H.P. Tseng and T.F. Edgar. Combustion Behavior of Bituminous and Anthracite Coal Char Between 425 and 900 C.  Fuel, Vol. 64, pp. 373-379, 1985.
  45. K.Y. Park and T.F. Edgar. Simulation of the Hot Carbonate Process for Removal of CO2 and H2S from Medium Btu Gas. Energy Prog., Vol. 4(3), pp. 174-180, 1984.
  46. J.M. Rogers and T.F. Edgar. Specifying Control and Isolation Dampers: Proper Application Ensures Efficient Operation. Hyd. Proc., Vol. 63(1), pp. 125-129, 1984.
  47. F.W. Hammesfahr et al. and T.F. Edgar. Underground Coal Gasification. Energy Prog., Vol. 2(2), pp. 95-99, 1982.
  48. G.V. Reklaitis, R.S.H. Mah, and T.F. Edgar. Computer Graphics in the ChE Curriculum. Engr. Educ., Vol. 73, pp. 147-151, 1983.
  49. E.F. Vogel and T.F. Edgar. Application of an Adaptive Pole Zero Placement Controller to Chemical Processes with Variable Dead Time. In Instrumentation Exchange, International, Instrument Society of America, 1983.
  50. T.H. Tsang and T.F. Edgar. Modeling of Drying and Pyrolysis During Underground Coal Gasification - I.  In Situ, Vol. 7(3), pp. 237-264, 1983.
  51. T.H. Tsang and T.F. Edgar.   Modeling of Drying and Pyrolysis During Underground Coal Gasification-II.  In Situ, Vol. 7(3), 265-299, 1983.
  52. T.F. Edgar.  Conversion of Continuous Time Models to Discrete-Time Models.  In AIChEMI Modular Instruction, Series A (Process Control), Vol. 3, Module A3.6, 1983.
  53. T.F. Edgar. Sampling and Filtering for Discrete-Time Systems. In AIChEMI Modular Instruction, Series A (Process Control), Vol. 3, Module A3.7, 1983.
  54. K.Y. Park M. Mai and T.F. Edgar. Analysis of Early Cavity Growth in Underground Coal Gasification.  In Situ, Vol. 9(2), pp. 119-147, 1985.
  55. H.L. Chang, D.M. Himmelblau, and T.F. Edgar. Modeling and Simulation of Self-Gasification of Coal.  In Situ, Vol. 9(2), pp. 149-184, 1985.
  56. D.E. Seborg and T.F. Edgar. Feedforward Control. In AIChEMI Modular Instruction, Series A, (Process Control), Vol. 4, Module A4.4, 1984.
  57. D.E. Seborg and T.F. Edgar.  Adaptive Control.  In AIChEMI Modular Instruction, Series A, (Process Control), Vol. 4, Module A4.5, 1984.
  58. D.M. Himmelblau H.L. Chang and T.F. Edgar. A Sweep Efficiency Model for Underground Coal Gasification.  In Situ, Vol. 9(2), pp. 185-221, 1985.
  59. G.V. Reklaitis R.S.H. Mah and T.F. Edgar. Use of Computers in Chemical Engineering Education. Chem. Engr. Prog., Vol. 81, pp. 9-13, 1985.
  60. S.L. Shah D.E. Seborg and T.F. Edgar. Adaptive Control Strategies for Process Control: A Survey. AIChE Journal, Vol. 32(6), pp. 881-913, 1986.
  61. S.S. Poon, K.Y. Park and T.F. Edgar.  The Combustion Rates of Texas Lignite Cores.  In Situ, Vol. 10(2), pp. 109-143, 1987.
  62. K.Y. Park and T.F. Edgar. Modeling of Early Cavity Growth for Underground Coal Gasification. IEC Research, Vol. 26, pp. 237-246, 1987.
  63. W. Min and T.F. Edgar.  The Dynamic Behavior of a Fixed-Bed Steam-Oxygen Coal Gasifier Disturbed by Water Influx. I. Experimental Results. Chem. Engr. Commun., Vol. 52, pp. 109-125, 1987.
  64. W. Min and T.F. Edgar.  The Dynamic Behavior of a Fixed-Bed Steam-Oxygen Coal Gasifier Disturbed by Water Influx.II. Model Development and Verification. Chem. Engr. Commun., Vol. 52, pp. 195-213, 1987.
  65. T.F. Edgar. What's New in Hardware and Software. Chem. Engr. Prog., Vol. 82, p.5, 1986.
  66. H.P. Tseng and T.F. Edgar.  On Analyzing the Combustion Characteristics of Coal Char.  Fuel. Vol. 66(5), pp. 722-723, 1987.
  67. T.F. Edgar.  Current Problems in Process Control.  IEEE Control Syst. Soc. Magazine, Vol. 7, pp. 13-15, 1987.
  68. E.F. Vogel and T.F. Edgar. An Adaptive Pole Placement Controller for Chemical Processes with Variable Dead Time. Comp. Chem. Engr., Vol. 12, pp. 15-26, 1988.
  69. M.C. Wellons and T.F. Edgar. The Generalized Analytical Predictor. IEC Research, Vol. 26, pp. 1523-1536, 1987.
  70. S. Venkateson, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar. Effect of Flow Direction on Etch Uniformity in Parallel Plate Isothermal Plasma Reactors. J. Electrochem. Soc., 134, Vol. 134(12), pp. 3194-3197, 1987.
  71. H.P. Tseng and T.F. Edgar. The Change of the Physical Properties of Coal Char during Reaction.  Fuel, Vol. 68, pp. 114-119, 1988.
  72. D.T. Dalle Molle, B.J. Kuipers, and T.F. Edgar. Qualitative Modeling and Simulation of Physical Systems. Comp. Chem. Engr., Vol. 12(9), pp. 853-866, 1989.
  73. B.W. Bequette and T.F. Edgar. Interaction Index Based on Setpoint Transmittance. AIChE Journal, Vol. 34, pp. 849-852, 1988.
  74. M. Mai and T.F. Edgar.  Calcination and Sintering Induced Surface Area Evolution.  AIChE Journal, Vol. 35, pp. 30-36, 1989.
  75. T.S. Westby, Dangtran, K., and T.F. Edgar.  Fluidized Bed Combustion of Texas Lignite: An Experimental Investigation on Carbon Conversion and Sulfur Dioxide Emission.  Fuel, Vol. 69, pp. 590-599, 1990.
  76. R.S.H. Mah, G.V. Reklaitis, D. M. Himmelblau, and T.F. Edgar.  Computer Aids in Chemical Education. ChemTech, Vol. 18, pp. 277-283, 1988.
  77. A.W. Alsop and T.F. Edgar. Nonlinear Heat Exchange Control Through the Use of Partially Linearized Control Variables. Chem. Engr. Commun., Vol. 75, pp. 155-170, 1989.
  78. B.W. Bequette and T.F. Edgar. Non-interacting Control System Design Methods in Distillation. Comp. Chem. Engr., Vol. 13(6), pp. 641-650, 1989.
  79. T. Setalvad, I. Trachtenberg, B. W. Bequette, and T.F. Edgar.  Optimization of a Low Pressure CVD Reactor for the Deposition of Thin Films. IEC Res., Vol. 28, pp. 1162-1170, 1989.
  80. S. Venkatesan, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar. On the Dynamics of an Isothermal Radial-Flow Plasma Etcher. J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 136(9), pp. 2532-2545, 1989.
  81. A. Patwardhan, J. B. Rawlings, and T.F. Edgar. Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Using Simultaneous Solution and Optimization. Chem. Engr. Commun., Vol. 87, pp. 123-141, 1990.
  82. T.F. Edgar. Process Control Education in the Year 2000. Chem. Engr. Educ., Vol. 24, pp. 72-77, 1990.
  83. A.W. Alsop and T.F. Edgar. Nonlinear Control of a High Purity Distillation Column by the Use of Partially Linearized Control Variables. Comp. Chem. Engr., Vol. 14(6), pp. 665-678, 1990.
  84. S. Venkatesan and T.F. Edgar. Modelling of Silicon Etching in CF4/02 and CF4/H2 Plasmas. J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 137(7), pp. 2200-2290, 1990.
  85. M.J. Liebman, I. Kim, and T.F. Edgar.  Robust Error in Variables Estimation Using Nonlinear Programming Techniques. AIChE Journal, Vol. 36(7), pp. 985-993, 1990.
  86. T.F. Edgar.  Will Computers Control the World?.  AIChE Magazine for Students, Vol. 1(1), pp. 17-22, 1990.
  87. R.R. Horton, B.W. Bequette, and T.F. Edgar. Improvements in Dynamic Compartmental                           Modeling for Distillation. Comp. Chem. Engr., Vol. 15(3), pp. 197-201, 1991.
  88. I. W. Kim and T.F. Edgar. A Sequential Error in Variables Method for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems. Comp. Chem. Engr., Vol. 15, pp. 663-679, 1991.
  89. I.W. Kim, N.H. Bell, and T.F. Edgar. Parameter Estimation for Laboratory Water Gas Shift Reactor Using Nonlinear Error-in-Variables Method. Comp. Chem. Engr., Vol. 15(5), pp. 361-367, 1991.
  90. N.H. Bell and T.F. Edgar. Modeling of a Fixed-Bed Water Gas Shift Reactor - I. J. Proc. Cont., Vol. 1(1), pp. 22-31, 1990.
  91. N.H. Bell and T.F. Edgar. Modeling of a Fixed-Bed Water Gas Shift Reactor - II. J. Proc. Cont., Vol. 1(2), pp. 59-67, 1991.
  92. J. L. Bravo, A.A. Patwardhan, and T.F. Edgar. Influence of Effective Interfacial Areas in the Operation and Control of Packed Distillation Columns. IEC Research, Vol. 31, pp. 604-607, 1992.
  93. K.J. McLaughlin, S.W. Butler, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar. Development of Techniques for Real-Time Monitoring and Control in Plasma Etching I. Response Surface Modeling of CF4/O2 and CF4/H2 Etching of Silicon and Silicon Dioxide. J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 138, pp. 789-799, 1991.
  94. S.W. Butler, K.J. McLaughlin, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar. Development of Techniques for Real-Time Monitoring and Control in Plasma Etching II. Multivariable Control System Analysis of Manipulated, Measured and Performance Variables. J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 138, pp. 2727-2735, 1991.
  95. J. Lee, W. Cho and T.F. Edgar. An Improved Technique for PID Controller Tuning from Closed-Loop Tests. AIChE Journal, Vol. 36(2), pp. 1891-1895, 1990.
  96. K.J. McLaughlin, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar. Real-time Monitoring and Control for Plasma Etching. IEEE Cont. Sys. Soc. Magazine, Vol. 11(3), pp. 3-10, 1991.
  97. A.A. Patwardhan, G.T. Wright, and T.F. Edgar. Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Distributed Parameter Systems. Chem. Engr. Sci., Vol. 47, pp. 721-735, 1992.
  98. T.A. Badgwell, I. Trachtenberg, J.K. Elliott, and T.F. Edgar. Experimental Verification of a Fundamental Model for Multiwafer LPCVD of Polysilicon. J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 139, pp. 524-532, 1992.
  99. T.A. Badgwell, I. Trachtenberg, J.K. Elliott, and T.F. Edgar. In-Situ Measurement of Wafer Temperatures in a Multiwafer LPCVD Furnace. IEEE Trans. Semicond. Manuf., Vol. 6(1), pp. 65-71, 1993.
  100. M.J. Liebman, L. Lasdon, and T.F. Edgar. Efficient Data Reconciliation and Estimation for Dynamic Processes Using Nonlinear Programming Techniques. Comp. Chem. Engr., Vol. 16, pp. 963-986, 1992.
  101. T.A. Badgwell, I. Trachtenberg and T.F. Edgar. Modeling and Scaleup of Multiwafer LPCVD Reactors. AIChE Journal, Vol. 38, pp. 926-937, 1992.
  102. T.F. Edgar. (Featured Educator), Chem. Engr. Educ., Vol. 26, pp. 2-7, Winter, 1992.
  103. S. Chatterjee, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar. Mathematical Modeling of a Single Wafer Rapid Thermal Reactor. J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 139, pp. 3682-3689, 1992.
  104. C. Ling and T.F. Edgar.  The Tuning of Fuzzy Heuristic Controllers.  Asia-Pacific Engr. J. (A), Vol. 3, pp. 83-104, 1993.
  105. C. Ling and T.F. Edgar. A New Fuzzy Gain Scheduling Algorithm for Process Control. Asia-Pacific Engr. J. (A), Vol. 3, pp. 129-141, 1993.
  106. A.J. Toprac, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar. Modeling of Gas Phase Chemistry in the Chemical Vapor Deposition of Polysilicon in a Cold Wall System. J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 140, pp. 1809-1813, 1993.
  107. A. Patwardhan and T.F. Edgar. Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Packed Distillation Column. IEC Research, Vol. 32, pp. 2345-2356, 1993.
  108. T.A. Badgwell, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar.  Modeling the Wafer Temperature Profile in a Multiwafer LPCVD Furnace. J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 141(1), pp. 161-172, 1994.
  109. G.T. Wright and T.F. Edgar. Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Fixed Bed Water Gas Shift Reactor: An Experimental Study. Comp. Chem. Engr., Vol. 18(2), pp. 83-102, 1994.
  110. A.J. Toprac, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar. A Predictive Model for the Chemical Vapor Deposition of Polysilicon in a Cold Wall, Rapid Thermal System. J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 141(6), pp. 1658-1663, 1994.
  111. Y.L. Huang and T.F. Edgar. An Artificial Intelligence Approach to the Synthesis of a Process for Waste Minimization. Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management, Amer. Chem. Soc., Chapter 6, pp. 96-113, 1994.
  112. Y.L. Huang, T.F. Edgar, D.M. Himmelblau, and I. Trachtenberg. Constructing a Reliable Neural Network Model for a Plasma Etching Process Using Limited Experimental Data.  IEEE Trans. Semicond. Manuf., Vol. 7(3), pp. 333-343, 1994.
  113. J.R. Bosley and T.F. Edgar. An Efficient Dynamic Model for Batch Distillation. J. Proc. Cont., Vol. 4(4), pp. 195-204, 1994.
  114. T.F. Edgar et al. T.A. Badgwell.  Modeling and Control of Microelectronics Processing.  Comp. Chem. Engr., Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 1-41, 1995.
  115. R. Dunia, S.J. Qin, T.F. Edgar and T.J. McAvoy.  Identification of Faulty Sensors Using Principal Component Analysis.  AIChE Journal.  Vol. 42, No. 10, pp. 2797-2812, 1996.
  116. K. McBrayer and T.F. Edgar.  Bias Detection and Estimation in Dynamic Data  Reconciliation.  J. Proc. Cont. Vol. 5(4), pp. 285-293, 1996
  117. T.F. Edgar.  Control of Unconventional Processes.  J. Proc. Cont. Vol. 6, pp. 99-110, 1996.
  118. I. Kim, S.W. Park, and T.F. Edgar.  Data Reconciliation for Input-Output Models in Linear Dynamic Systems.  Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 13(2) pp. 211-215, 1996.
  119. R. Dunia, S.J. Qin, T.F. Edgar, and T.F. McAvoy.  Use of Principal Component Analysis for Sensor Fault Identification.  Computers Chem Engng. Vol. 20, Suppl. pp. S713-S718, 1996.
  120. R. Dunia and T.F. Edgar.  An Improved Generic Model Control Algorithm for Linear Systems.  Computers Chem. Engng. Vol. 20, No. 8, pp. 1003-1016, 1996.
  121. S.W. Butler and T.F. Edgar.  Case Studies in Equipment Modeling and Control in the Microelectronics Industry. Chemical Process Control - CPC-V, Lake Tahoe, CA.  AIChE Symp. Ser. Vol. 93, No. 316 p. 133-144, 1997.
  122. T.F. Edgar.  Process Control:  From Classical to the Postmodern Era.  Chem. Engr. Educ., Vol. 31(2), pp. 12-18, 1997.
  123. R. Dunia, B. Fernandez, and T.F. Edgar.  Effect of Process Uncertainties on Generic Model Control:  A Geometric Approach.  Chem. Engr. Sci., Vol. 52, pp. 2205-2222, 1997.
  124. I. Kim, M.S. Kang, S.W. Park, and T.F. Edgar.  Robust Data Reconciliation and Gross Error Detection:  The Modified MIMT using NLP.  Comp. Chem. Engr., Vol. 21, No. 7, pp. 775-782, 1997.
  125. J.T. Lee, W. Cho, and T.F. Edgar.  Control System Design Based on a First Order Plus Time Delay Model.  J. Proc. Cont., Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 65-73, 1997.
  126. S. Bushman, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar.  Radio Frequency Diagnostics for Plasma Etch Systems.  Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 144, No. 2, pp. 721-732, 1997.
  127. S. Bushman, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar.  Modeling of Plasma Etch Systems Using Ordinary Least Squares, Recurrent Neural Network, and Projection to Latent Structure Models. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 144, No. 4, pp. 1379-1389, April 1997.
  128. Zhong-Xiang Zhu, J.T. Lee, and T.F. Edgar.  Steady State Structural Analysis and Interaction Characteristics in Multivariable Control Systems.  IEC Research, Vol. 36, pp. 3718-3726, 1997.
  129. C. Ling, and T.F. Edgar.  Real-time Control of a Water-Gas Shift Reactor by Model-Based Fuzzy Gain Scheduling Technique.  J. Proc. Cont.. Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 239-253, 1997.
  130. J.T. Lee, W. Cho, and T.F. Edgar.  Effects of Diagonal Input Uncertainties and Element Uncertainties in Ill-conditioned processes.  IEC Research, Vol. 37, pp. 1009-1017, 1998.
  131. J.T. Lee, W. Cho, and T.F. Edgar.  Iterative Identification Methods for Ill-conditioned Processes.  IEC Research, Vol. 37, pp. 1018-1023, 1998.
  132. K. Edwards, V.I. Manousiouthakis, and T.F. Edgar.  Kinetic Model Reduction Using Genetic Algorithms.  Comp. Chem. Engr., Vol. 22, No. 1-2, pp. 239-246, 1998.
  133. J.T. Lee and T.F Edgar.  Multiloop PI Controller Tuning for Interacting Multivariable Processes.  Comp. Chem. Engr. Vol. 22.  No. 11, pp. 1711-1723, 1998.
  134. J.D. Stuber, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar.  Design and Modeling of Rapid Thermal Processing Systems.  IEEE Trans. Semiconductor Manufacturing.  Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 442-457, August, 1998.
  135. K.F. McBrayer, T. Soderstrom, T.F. Edgar, and R. Young. The Application of Nonlinear Dynamic Data Reconciliation to Plant Data.  Comp. Chem. Engr. Vol 22. No. 12, pp. 1907-1911, 1998.
  136. K. Teague, and T.F. Edgar.  Predictive Dynamic Model of a Small PSA Separation Unit. IEC Research, Vol. 28, No. 10, pp. 3761-3775, 1999.
  137. Y. Huang, J.P. Gong, and T.F. Edgar.  Fuzzy Model Predictive Control. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 8(6), pp. 665-678, 2000.
  138. T.F. Edgar, S. Butler, W.J. Campbell, C. Pfeiffer, C. Bode, S.B. Hwang, K.S. Balakrishnan and J. Hahn.  Automatic Control in Microelectronics Manufacturing:  Practices, Challenges, and Possibilities.  Automatica,  Vol.36(11): pp. 1567-1603, 2000.
  139. K.S. Balakrishnan and T.F. Edgar.  Model-based Control in Rapid Thermal Processing. J. Thin Solid Films, Vol. 365(2), pp. 322-333, 2000.
  140. T.F. Edgar.  Information Technology and Chemical Engineering Education.  Evolution or Revolution? Chem Engr. Educ, pp. 290-295, March, 2000.
  141. T.F. Edgar.  Process Information.  Achieving a Unified View.  Chem. Engr. Prog., Vol. 96, pp. 51-57, January, 2000.
  142. B.S. Ko, and T.F. Edgar.  Performance Assessment of Cascade Loop Using Minimum Variance Principles. AIChE Journal, Vol. 46, pp. 281-291, 2000.
  143. J.T. Lee, J.Y. Choi and T.F. Edgar.  Use of Sequential Loop Closing Method for Iterative Identification of Ill-Conditioned Processes. IEC Research, Vol. 39, pp. 2404-2409 (2000).
  144. K. Edwards and T.F. Edgar.  Reaction Mechanism Simplification Using Variable Selection Techniques. Chem. Engr. Sci., 55, pp. 551-572, 2000.
  145. J.T. Lee and T.F. Edgar.  Phase Conditions for Stability of Multiloop Control Systems. Comp. Chem. Engr. Vol. 23, pp. 1623-1630, 2000.
  146. T. Soderstrom, R. Young, L. Russo and T.F. Edgar.  Industrial Application of a Large-Scale Dynamic Data Reconciliation Strategy. IEC Res, Vol. 39(6), pp. 1683-1693, 2000.
  147. J.T. Lee, and T.F. Edgar.  Computational Methods for Decentralized Integral Controllability of Low Dimensional Processes.  Comp.  Chem. Engr. Vol. 24, pp. 847-852, 2000.
  148. J.T. Lee, D.G. Koo, and T.F. Edgar.  Robust Controller Design Method for Systems with Parametric Uncertainties.  Trans. Cont., Auto. & Systems . Engr., Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 140-148, June, 2000.
  149. K. Edwards and T.F. Edgar.  Reaction Mechanism Simplification Using Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming.  Comp. Chem. Engr. 24, pp. 67-79, 2000.
  150. J. Hahn and T.F. Edgar.  A Gramian Based Approach to Nonlinearity Quantification and Model Classification.   IEC Research, Vol. 40, pp. 5724-5731, 2001.
  151. J. Hahn, T. Edison and T.F. Edgar.  A Note on Stability Analysis Using Bode Plots. Chemical Engineering Education, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 208-211, 2001.
  152. J.T. Lee and T.F. Edgar.  Real Structured Singular Value Conditions for D-Stability.  Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 44, pp. 273-277, 2001.
  153. J.T. Lee, B.S. Ko and T.F. Edgar.  “Adaptive Slow/Fast Control Systems for Interacting Multivariable Processes,” IEC Research, Vol. 40, pp. 5929-5934, 2001.
  154. T.A. Soderstrom and T.F. Edgar.  A Mixed Integer Optimization Approach for Simultaneous Data Reconciliation and Identification of Measurement Bias.  Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 9, pp. 869-876, 2001.
  155. B.S. Ko and T.F. Edgar.  Performance Assessment of Constrained Model Predictive Control Systems, AIChE J. Vol. 47(6), pp. 1363-1372, 2001.
  156. J. Hahn and T.F. Edgar.  An Improved Method for Nonlinear Model Reduction using Balancing of Empirical Gramians.   Computers & Chem. Engr., Vol. 26, pp. 1379-1397, 2002.
  157. S. Alici and T.F. Edgar.   Nonlinear Dynamic Data Reconciliation Via Process Simulation Software and Model Identification Tools, IEC Research, Vol. 41, pp. 3984-3992, 2002.
  158. J. Lee and T.F. Edgar.  “An Improved PI Controller with Delayed or Filtered Integral Mode”, AIChE Journal, Vol. 48, pp. 2844-2850, 2002.
  159. J. Peng, S. Lextrait, T.F. Edgar and R.B. Eldridge. A Comparison of Steady State Equilibrium and Rate-based Models for Packed Reactive Distillation Columns, IEC Research, Vol. 4, pp. 2735-2744, 2002.
  160. J.T. Lee and T.F. Edgar.  Subspace Identification Method for Simulation of Closed-loop Systems with Time-Delays.  AIChE Journal, Vol. 48, pp. 417-420, 2002.
  161. J. Hahn and T.F. Edgar.  A Balancing Approach to Minimal Realization of Nonlinear Systems.  IEC Research, Vol. 41, pp. 2204-2212, 2002.
  162. J. Hahn, T. Edison and T.F. Edgar.  Adaptive IMC Control for Drug Infusion for Biological Systems.  Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 10, pp. 45-56, 2002.
  163. S.B. Hwang, W.D. Kim and T.F. Edgar.  Modeling of Dry Development in Bilayer-Resist Process for 140nm Contact Hole Patterning, IEEE Transaction on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 15, pp. 245-252, 2002.
  164. J. Hahn, S. Lextrait and T.F. Edgar.  Nonlinear Balanced Model Residualization via Neural Networks.  AIChE Journal, Vol. 48, pp. 1353-1357, 2002.
  165. J.T. Lee and T.F. Edgar.  Conditions for Decentralized Integral Controllability, J.  Process Control, Vol. 12, pp. 797-805, 2002.
  166. J. Hahn, T.F. Edgar and W. Marquardt.  Observability and Controllability Covariance Matrices for the Analysis and Order Reduction of Stable Nonlinear Systems. J. Process Control, Vol. 13, pp. 115-127, 2002.
  167. J.J. Peng, T.F. Edgar and R.B. Eldridge.  Dynamic Rate-Based and Equilibrium Models for a Packed Reactive Distillation Column.  Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 58, pp. 2671-2680, 2003.
  168. T.F. Edgar.  ChE Curriculum of the Future:  Re-Evaluating the Process Control Course.  Chem. Engr. Educ., Vol. 37(2), pp. 1, 2003.
  169. D.W. Kim, S.B. Hwang, T.F. Edgar and S. Banerjee. “Characterization of Si-Ge Quantum Dot on SiO2 and HfO2 Grown By Rapid Thermal Chemical Deposition for Nanoelectric Devices”, Electrochemical Society, Vol.150 (4), pp. G240-G243, 2003.
  170. J.T. Lee and T.F. Edgar.  Dynamic Interaction Measures for Decentralized Control of Multivariable Processes, IEC Research, Vol. 43, pp. 283-287, 2004.
  171. C.A. Bode, B.S. Ko and T.F. Edgar. “Run-to-Run Control and Performance Monitoring of Overlay in Semiconductor Manufacturing”, Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 12, pp. 893-900, 2004.
  172. Y. Chen, T.F. Edgar and V. Manousiouthakis. “On Constrained Infinite-Time Nonlinear Quadratic Optimal Control”, Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 51(3-4): 259-268, 2004.
  173. B.S. Ko, J.T. Lee and T.F. Edgar. “An Analytic Expression for Closed-Loop Output Behavior Under Multiloop PID Control, Korean, J. Chem. Engr., Vol. 21 No. 1, pp. 1-5, 2004.
  174. B.S. Ko and T.F. Edgar. “PID Control Performance Assessment:  The Single-Loop Case”, AIChE J., Vol. 50, pp. 1211-1218, 2004.
  175. J.T. Lee and T.F. Edgar. “Simulations of Stable Non-conventional and Large Linear Processes Using the FFT Method”, Computers Chem. Engr., Vol. 28, pp. 479-485, 2004.
  176. J.T. Lee and T.F. Edgar. “ISE Tuning Rule Revisited”, Automatica, Vol. 40, pp. 1455-1458, 2004.
  177. S. Lextrait, R.B. Eldridge and T.F. Edgar. “Steady-State Rate-based Simulation for Packed Reactive Distillation:  Spatial Discretization”, IEC Research, Vol. 43, pp. 3855-3869, 2004.
  178. T.F. Edgar. “Process Operations:  When Does Controllability Equal Profitability? Computer Chem. Engr., Vol. 29, pp. 41-49, 2004.
  179. S.A. Harrison, D. Yu, G.S. Hwang, T.A. Kirichenko, S.K. Banerjee and T.F. Edgar. “Origin of Vacancy and Interstistical Stablization at the Amorphous Crystalline Interface”, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 96, No. 6, pp. 3334-3338, 2004.
  180. S.A. Harrison, G. Hwang and T.F. Edgar. “Interactions between Interstitials and Arsenic Vacancy Complexes in Crystalline Silicon”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 85(21), pp. 4935-4937, 2004.
  181. T.F. Edgar, “Computing Practices of New Engineers”, Control Engineering, p. 81, June, 2004.
  182. T.F. Edgar, “Controllability and Profitability”, Control Engineering, p. 59, November, 2004.
  183. A.J. Pasadyn, A.J. and T.F. Edgar. “Observability and State Estimation for Multiple Product Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing”, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 18(4), pp. 592-604, 2005.
  184. J.D. Hedengren and T.F. Edgar. “In Situ Adaptive Tabulation for Real-time Control”, IEC Research, Vol. 44, pp. 2716-2724, 2005.
  185. J.T. Lee and T.F. Edgar. “Static Decouplers for Control of Multivariable Processes”, AIChE J., Vol. 51(10), pp. 2712-2720, 2005.
  186. J.D. Hedengren and T.F. Edgar.  “Order Reduction of Large Scale DAE Models”, Computers Chem. Engr., Vol. 29, pp. 2069-2077, 2005.
  187. S.A. Harrison, T.F. Edgar and G.S. Hwang. “Structure, Stability, and Diffusion of Arsenic-Silicon Interstitial Pairs”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 87(23), pp. 231905-1-3, 2005.
  188. J.T. Lee and T.F. Edgar. “Continuation Method for the Modified Ziegler-Nichols Tuning of Multiloop Control Systems”, IEC Research, Vol. 44, pp. 7428-7434, 2005.
  189. S.A. Harrison, T.F. Edgar and G.S. Hwang. “Structure and Diffusion of the Diarsenic Complex in Crystalline Silicon” Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 72(19), pp. 195414-1-5, 2005.
  190. T.F. Edgar, “Take a Systems Approach”, Control Engineering , p. 16, May, 2005.
  191. T.F. Edgar, “Lab Courses Go Virtual”, Control Engineering, p.22, December, 2005.
  192. S. Firth, A. Toprac, J. Campbell and T.F. Edgar. “Just-in-Time Adaptive Disturbance Estimation, IEEE Trans. Semiconductor Manufacturing,  Vol. 19(3), pp. 298-315, 2006.
  193. J. Lee and T.F. Edgar. “Multiloop PI/PID Control System Improvement via Adjusting the Dominant Pole or the Peak Amplitude Ratio”, Chem. Engr. Science, Vol. 61, No. 5, pp.1658-1666, 2006.
  194. T.F. Edgar.  “Enhancing the Undergraduate Computing Experience”, Chem. Engr. Educ., Vol. 38, p.231-238, 2006.
  195. W. Cho, J. Lee and T.F. Edgar. “Closed-loop Identification of Wafer Temperature Dynamics in a Rapid Thermal Process”, Korean J. Chem Engr., Vol. 23, pp.171-175, 2006.
  196. T.F. Edgar, “Process Control:  What to Teach?”, Control Engineering, p.26, May, 2006.
  197. L. Rueda, R.B. Eldridge, and T.F. Edgar.  “A Novel Control Methodology for a Pilot Plant Azeotropic Distillation Column”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 45, pp. 8361-8372, 2006.
  198. T.F. Edgar, B.A. Ogunnaike and K.R. Muske.  “A Global View of Graduate Process Control Education”, Comp & Chem. Engr. Vol. 30, No. 10-12, pp. 1763-1774, 2006.
  199. T.F. Edgar, B.A. Ogunnaike, K.R. Muske, J.J. Downs and B.W. Bequette. “Renovating the Undergraduate Process Control Course”, Comp & Chem. Engr. Vol. 30, No. 10-12, pp. 1749-1762, 2006.
  200. D. Casti?eira and T.F. Edgar. "CFD for Simulation of Steam Assisted and Air Assisted Flare Combustion Systems," Energy and Fuels, Vol. 20, pp. 1044-1056, 2006.
  201. S.A. Harrison, T.F. Edgar and G.S. Hwang.  “Interstitial Mediated Arsenic Clustering in Ultrashallow Junction Formation”, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett., 9(12), G354-G357, 2006.
  202. S.A. Harrison, T.F. Edgar and G.S. Hwang.  “Prediction of Anomalous Fluorine-Silicon Interstitial Pair Diffusion in Crystalline Si”, Phys. Rev. B-rapid communication 74(12), 121201, 2006.
  203. S.A. Harrison, T.F. Edgar and G.S. Hwang.  “Interstitial-Mediated Mechanisms of Arsenic and Phosphorus Diffusion in Silicon,” Phys. Rev. B74(19), 195202, 2006.
  204. D. Casti?eira, Morales, D. M. and T.F. Edgar. “Multivariate Image Analysis for Flare Control”, submitted to Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, July, 2006.
  205. Y. Chen, V. Manousiouthakis and T.F. Edgar.  “Globally Optimal Nonlinear Feedback:  Application to Nonisothermal CSTR Control”, Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 193(2), pp. 233-245, 2006.
  206. V. Martinez and T.F. Edgar. “Control of Lithography in Semiconductor Manufacturing”, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Vol. 26(6) pp. 46-55, 2006.
  207. T.F. Edgar. “Fundamental Models and Process Control”, Control Engineering, p.36, November, 2006.
  208. T.F. Edgar.  “Student to Engineer, Should the Teaching of Process Control be Changed?”, Intech, Vol. 53(9),  pp. 30-36, September, 2006,
  209. M.K. Markey, A.Holmes Jr., T.F. Edgar, and K.J. Schmidt. “Student-driven Learning in Integrated Lecture-lab Classroom Environments:  The Role of Mobile Computing, Intl. Journal of Engr. Educ., Vol. 23(3), pp. 483-490, 2007.
  210. S.A. Harrison, T.F. Edgar and G.S. Hwang, “Prediction of B-Sii-F Complex Formation and Its Role in B Transient Enhanced Diffusion Suppression and Deactivation”, ” J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 101(6), 066102, 2007.
  211. A.J. Pasadyn, H.J. Lee, and T.F. Edgar. “Scheduling Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes for Simultaneous Control and Identification”, accepted, J. Process Control, 2007.
  212. J. Lee, S.W. Sung, and T.F. Edgar.  “Integrals of Relay Feedback Responses for Extracting Process Information”, AIChE J. Vol. 53, No. 9, pp. 2329-2338, 2007.
  213. T.F. Edgar. “A Course on Energy Technology and Policy, Chemical Engineering Education, Vol. 41(3), pp.195-201, 2007.
  214. T. G. Farmer Jr., T. F. Edgar, and N. A. Peppas, “The Future of Open and Closed Loop Insulin Delivery for Diabetes Mellitus,” J. Pharm. Pharmacol., No. 60, pp. 1-13, 2008.
  215. T. G. Farmer Jr., T. F. Edgar, and N. A. Peppas, “Parameter Set Uniqueness and Confidence Limits in Model Identification of Insulin Transport Models from Simulation Data,” Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, Vol. 10(2) pp 128-131, 2008.
  216. T. G. Farmer Jr., T. F. Edgar, and N. A. Peppas, “Physiologically-Based Modeling of Glucoregulatory System,” submitted, Ann. Biomed. Eng., 2007.
  217. T. G. Farmer Jr., T. F. Edgar, and N. A. Peppas, “Effects of Model Selection on Intravenous Infusion Algorithms for Glucose Control in Diabetic Patients,”  submitted, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2007.
  218. T. G. Farmer Jr., T. F. Edgar, and N. A. Peppas, “In Vivo Simulations of pH-Responsive Cationic Hydrogels in Diabetic Patients,” submitted, Pharm. Res., 2007.
  219. T.F. Edgar, “Performance Monitoring and Tuning Controllers”, Control Engineering,
  220.  2007.
  221. C.A. Bode, J. Wang, Q.P. He, and T.F. Edgar.  “Run-to-Run Control and State Estimation in High-Mix Semiconductor Manufacturing”, Annual Reviews in Control, 31, pp. 241-253, 2007.
  222. A. Prabhu and T.F. Edgar, “Performance Assessment of Run-to-Run EWMA Controllers”, IEEE Trans. Semiconductor Mfg., 20(4), 381-385, 2007.
  223. J. Lee, W. Sung, C.H. Je, and T.F. Edgar, “Multiple Switching Relay for Identification of Frequency Responses” submitted to AIChE J., October, 2007.
  224. W. Cho, J. Lee, and T.F. Edgar, “Nonlinear Model Identification for Temperature Control in a Single Wafer Rapid Thermal Processing”, submitted to Ind. Engr. Chem. Res., October, 2007.
  225. Y. Zhang, and T.F. Edgar, “Generalized Model Based Design of Experiments (DOE) Criteria for DAE System Parameter Estimation”, accepted by Ind.  Engr. Chem. Res., 2007.
  226. J. Lee, and T.F. Edgar, “A Simple Graphical Method for Pulse Test”, submitted to AIChE Journal, January, 2008.
  227. T. G. Farmer Jr., T. F. Edgar, and N. A. Peppas, “In Vivo Simulations of the Intravenous Dynamics of Submicron Particles of pH-Responsive Cationic Hydrogels in Diabetic Patients”, Ind. & Engr. Chem. Res., Vol. 47(24), pp. 10053-10063, 2008.
  228. A. Prabhu, and T.F. Edgar, “Identification and Monitoring of PID-Controlled Nonlinear Processes”, submitted Journal of Process Control, 2008.
  229. T. G. Farmer Jr., T. F. Edgar, and N. A. Peppas. “Pharmacokinetic Modeling of the Glucoregulatory System,” J. Drug Delivery Sci. Tech., Vol.18 (6)pp. 387-391, 2008.
  230. W. Cho, J.T. Lee and T.F. Edgar. “Iterative Learning Dual-Model Control of Exothermic Batch Reactors”, Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 16, pp. 1244-1249, 2008.
  231. J. Hedengren and T.F. Edgar.  “Approximate Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with In Situ Adaptive Tabulation”, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 32, pp. 706-714, 2008.
  232. J. Davis and T.F. Edgar.  “Smart Process Manufacturing:  A Vision of the Future”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Research, Commemorative Essay (web), April, 2008.
  233. Y. Zhang and T.F. Edgar.  “On-line Batch Process Monitoring using EWMA Combined with Hybrid-wise Unfolding Multiway PCA”, submitted to Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., July, 2008.
  234. Y. Zhang and T.F. Edgar.  “A Robust Derivative Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm for Batch Process Synchronization”, submitted to Computers and Chemical Engineering,  July, 2008
  235. D. Casti?eira and T.F. Edgar. “CFD for Simulation of Crosswind on the Efficiency of High Momentum Jet Turbulent Combustion Flames”, Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 134, No. 7, pp. 561-571, 2008.
  236. D. Casti?eira and T.F. Edgar. "Computational Fluid Dynamics for Simulation of Wind-Tunnel Experiments on Flare Combustion Systems”, Energy and Fuels, Vol. 22, pp. 1698-1707, 2008.
  237. J. Wang, P. He and T.F. Edgar, “State Estimation in High-Mix Semiconductor Manufacturing”, J. Process Control, 19 , pp. 443-456, 2009.
  238. A. Prabhu, and T.F. Edgar, “A New State Estimation Methods for High-mix Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes”, Journal of Process Control, Vol. 19, pp. 1149-1161, 2009.
  239. T.G. Farmer Jr., T.F. Edgar and N.A. Peppas.  “Effectiveness of Intravenous Infusion Algorithms for Glucose Control in Diabetic Patients Using Different Simulation Models,”  Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48, pp. 4402-4414, 2009.
  240. W. Cho, J. Lee, and T.F. Edgar. “Iterative Identification of Temperature Dynamics in Single Wafer Rapid Thermal Processing”, Korean J. Chem. Engr., Vol. 26(2), pp. 307-312, 2009.
  241. Y. Zhang and T.F. Edgar.  “PCA Combined Model-Based Design of Experiments (DOE) Criteria for Differential and Algebraic System Parameter Estimation”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. ________, 2009.
  242. J.T. Lee, and T.F. Edgar, “Simple Graphical Method for Noisy Pulse Responses”, submitted to Chem. Engr., Sci., 2009.
  243. J.T. Lee, and T.F. Edgar, “Multiple Switching Relay for Identification of Frequency Responses”, submitted to J. Process Control, 2009.
  244. S. Ziaii, G.T. Rochelle, and T.F. Edgar, “Dynamic Modeling to Minimize Energy Use for CO2 Capture in Power Plants by Aqueous Monoehanolamine”, submitted to Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2009.
  245. A. Prabhu, and R.P. Good, and T.F. Edgar, “Missing Data Estimation for Run-to-Run EWMA Controlled Processes”, Accepted by Comp. & Chem. Engr., 2009.
  246. J. Davis, and T.F. Edgar.  “Smart Process Manufacturing – A Vision of the Future”, Design for Energy and the Environment (Proc 7th Int. Conf. FOCAPD 2009), pp. 149-165, Breckenridge, CO, June 2009, Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2009.
  247. S. Ziaii, S. Cohen, G.T. Rochelle, T.F. Edgar, M.E. Webber.  “Dynamic Operation of Amine Scrubbing in Response to Electricity Demand and Pricing”, Energy Procedia I, pp. 4047-4053, 2009.
  248. J.S. Kim, J. Byeon, D. Chun, S.W. Sung, J.T. Lee and T.F. Edgar, “Relay Feedback Method for Processes Under Noisy Environments,” AIChE Journal, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 560-562, 2010.
  249. S. Abrol, T.F. Edgar, “A Fast and Versatile Technique for Constrained State Estimation,” J. Process Control xxx (2010) xxx-xxx.
  250. S. Abrol, M. Lu, D. Hill, A. Herrick, and T.F. Edgar, “Faster Dynamic Process Simulation using In Situ Adaptive Tabulation,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2010, xxx,000.
  251. J. Lee, J. Kim, J. Byeon, S. Sung, T.F. Edgar, “Relay Feedback Identification for Processes Under Drift and Noisy Environments,” accepted by AICHE Journal, 2010.
  252. J. Lee, S.W. Sung, T.F. Edgar, “Area Methods for Relay Feedback Tests,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2010, 49 (17), pp.7807-7813.
  253. B. Spivey, J.D. Hedengren, T.F. Edgar, “Constrained Nonlinear Estimation for Industrial Process Fouling,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2010, 49 (17), pp. 7824-7831.
  254. J. Lee, S.W. Sung, T.F. Edgar, “Area method for a Biased Relay Feedback System,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2010, 49 (17), pp. 8016-8020.
  255. B. Gill, T.F. Edgar, J.D. Stuber, “A Novel Approach to Virtual Metrology Using Kalman Filtering,” Future Fab International, 2010, Issue 35
  256. S. Ziaii, G.T. Rochelle, and T.F. Edgar, "Dynamic Modeling to Minimize Energy Use for CO2 Capture in Power Plants by Aqueous Monoehanolamine", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 48 (13), pp. 6105-6111, 2009
  257. B. Parkinson, H. Lee, M. Funk, D. Prager, A. Yamashita, R. Sundararajan, and T.F. Edgar, "Addressing Dynamic Process Changes in High Volume Plasma Etch Manufacturing by Using Multivariate Process Control", IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 23, pp. 185-193, 2010.
  258. S. Abrol, T.F. Edgar, "A Fast and Versatile Technique for Constrained State Estimation," J. Process Control, Vol. 21, pp. 2629-2633, 2011.
  259. K. Powell and T.F. Edgar, "Modeling and Control of a Solar Thermal Power Plant with Thermal Energy Storage," Chem. Eng. Science, Vol. 71, pp. 138-145, 2012.
  260. R. Dunia and T.F. Edgar, "Multistate Analytics for Continuous Processes," J. Process Control, Vol. 22, pp. 1445-1456, 2012.
  261. B. Spivey and T.F. Edgar, "Dynamic Modeling, Simulation, and MIMO Predictive Control of a Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell," J. Process Control, Vol. 22, pp. 1502-1520, 2012.
  262. J. Davis, T.F. Edgar, J. Porter, J. Bernaden, and M. Sarli, "Smart Manufacturing, Manufacturing Intelligence and Demand-Dynamic Performance," Comp. Chem. Engr., Vol. 47, pp. 134-144, 2012.
  263. W.J. Cole, K.M. Powell, and T.F. Edgar, "Optimization and Advanced Control of Thermal Energy Storage Systems," Rev. Chem. Eng., Vol. 28, pp. 81-99, 2012.
  264. J.J. Siirola and T.F. Edgar, "Process Energy Systems: Control, Economics and Sustainability Objectives," Comp. Chem. Engr., Vol. 47, pp. 134-144, 2012.
  265. Y. Zhang and T.F. Edgar, "A Combined EWMA-HMPCA Technique for Batch Process Monitoring," submitted to Control Engineering Practice, September, 2012.
  266. Y. Zhang, B. Lu, and T.F. Edgar. "A Robust Derivative Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm for Batch Process Synchronization", accepted, Ind. Eng. Chem. Research, February, 2013.
  267. K. Powell, W.J. Cole, U.F. Ekarika, and T.F. Edgar, "Optimal Chiller Loading in a District Cooling System with Thermal Energy Storage", Energy, Vol. 50, 1, pp. 445 – 453, 2013.


Control Book Cover Optimiztion Book Cover

Table of Contents

Power Point Slides

Table of Contents

Power Point Slides

Book Chapters

  1. J.J. McKetta and T.F. Edgar.  Synthetics - A New Energy Frontier. In Social Issues Resources, Series 8. University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 1974.
  2. W.R. Kaiser and T.F. Edgar.  In Situ Gasification of Texas Lignite, Chapter 8 in Geology of Alternate Energy Sources. Geological Society of America, Houston, Texas, 1977.
  3. T.F. Edgar.  Underground Gasification of Coal.  In J.J. McKetta, editor, Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design, Vol. 9. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1977.
  4. T.F. Edgar.  Processes and Representative Applications.  In D.A. Mellichamp, editor, Real-Time Computing, Chapter 4. Van Nostrand, New York, 1982.
  5. T.F. Edgar.  Advanced Control Strategies for Chemical Processes:  A Review, Chapter 4 in Computer Applications to Chemical Engineering Process Design and Simulation. American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C, 1980.
  6. D.W. Gregg and T.F. Edgar. Underground Coal Gasification. In M. Elliott, editor, Chemistry of Coal Utilization, Chapter 26. Wiley, New York, 1981.
  7. T.F. Edgar. Models for Dynamic Systems. In D.A. Mellichamp, editor, Real-Time Computing, Chapter 19. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1982.
  8. J.D. Wright and T.F. Edgar. Digital Computer Control and Signal Processing Algorithms. In D. A. Mellichamp, editor, Real-Time Computing, Chapter 20. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1982.
  9. W. R. Kaiser and T.F. Edgar. Resources, Properties and Utilization of Texas Lignite: A Review.  Chapter 4 in Chemistry of Low-Rank Fuels, 1984.
  10. T.F. Edgar.  Process Optimization.  In J.J. McKetta, editor, Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design, volume 31. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1989.
  11. J.B. Rawlings A.P. Fordyce and T.F. Edgar.  Control Strategies for Fermentation Processes. In D.R. Omstead, editor, Computer Control of Fermentation Processes, Chapter 12. CRC Press, New York, 1989.
  12. D. T. Dalle Molle and T.F. Edgar.  Qualitative Modeling of Chemical Reaction Systems.  Chapter 1 in M. L. Mavrovuniotis, editor, AI Applications in Process Engineering. Academic Press, New York, 1989.
  13. J. B. Rawlings and T.F. Edgar.  Process Dynamics and Control.  In J. J. McKetta, editor, Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1990.
  14. C. Ling and T.F. Edgar.  Process Control.  In J. G. Williams, editor, Encyclopedia of Microcomputers. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1993.
  15. Y. Huang and T.F. Edgar.  Knowledge-based Design Approach for the Simultaneous Minimization of Waste Generation and Energy Consumption in a Petroleum Refinery.  Chapter 14 (pp. 181-196) in A. Rossiter, Waste Minimization Through Process Design, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995.
  16. K.R. Muske and T.F. Edgar.  Nonlinear State Estimation.  In M. Henson and D. Seborg, co-editors, Nonlinear Process Control.  Prentice Hall, New York, 1996.
  17. T.F. Edgar.  Process Dynamics and Control, Section 18.3.  The Electronics Handbook.  CRC Press, 1996.
  18. J. Kantor and T.F. Edgar.  Computing Skills in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum.  Computers in Chemical Engineering Education, CACHE Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI 1997.
  19. T.F. Edgar et. al., “Process Control”, Section 8, Perry’s Handbook, 7th Edition (D.W. Green and J.O. Maloney, Eds), McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997.
  20. J.Hahn and T.F. Edgar.  Process Control Systems.  Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Vol. 13, pp. 111-126, 2002.
  21. J. Hahn and T.F. Edgar, “Process Dynamics and Control”, Electronics Handbook, CRC Press, 2004.
  22. Y. Zhang and T.F. Edgar, Chapter 8, “Multivariate Statistical Process Control; in New Directions in Bioprocess Modeling and Control (G. McMillan and M. Boudreau), ISA, 2007.
  23. T.F. Edgar et al., Section 8:  “Process Control”, Perry’s Chemical Engineering handbook, 8th  Edition,  2008.
  24. T.F. Edgar and J. Hahn.  Section 4.1 “Process Automation”, Handbook of Automation, pp. 529-543, Springer, New York, 2009
  25. T.F. Edgar and S. I. Proctor.  “Chapter 16, AIChE Foundation”, AIChE100, November, 2008.
  26. T.F. Edgar, “Process Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing,” Chapter 11, Control System Applications, 2nd Edition,

Conference Proceedings

  1. J.B. Riggs and T.F. Edgar. Simplification of Large-Scale Linear Dynamic Systems.  Proc. Joint Auto. Cont. Conf., p. 497, 1973.
  2. J. Schwartz and T.F. Edgar.  The Development of Simplified Adaptive Control Models Using the Continued Fraction Expansion.  Proc. Joint Auto. Cont. Conf., p. 484, 1974.
  3. D.M. Himmelblau, P.A. Jensen, W.G. Lesso, and T.F. Edgar. Planning for the Optimal Expansion of Water Resource Systems.  Proc. Joint Auto. Cont. Conf., p. 560, 1974.
  4. D. Oakley and T.F. Edgar. Optimal Feedback Control of a Binary Distillation Column.  Proc. Joint Auto. Cont. Conf., p. 551, 1976.
  5. T.H. Tsang and T.F. Edgar. Chemical Reactor Modeling of In Situ Coal Gasification.  Proc. Second UCG Symp., p. 256, 1976.
  6. W.R. Kaiser, T.W. Thompson, and T.F. Edgar. Research on In Situ Gasification of Texas Lignite at the University of Texas.  Proc. Second UCG Symp., p. 90, 1976.
  7. M.J. Humenick, W.R. Kaiser, and T.F. Edgar. Technical and Environmental Factors in Underground Coal Gasification.  Proc. ANS Topical Meeting, p. 20, 1977.
  8. T.H. Tsang, C.M. Johnson, and T.F. Edgar. Prediction of Product Composition and Sweep Efficiency in Underground Coal Gasification.  Proc. Third UCC Symp., p. 211, 1977.
  9. S.J. Hsia and T.F. Edgar. Oxidation Kinetics of Texas Lignite.  Proc. Third UCC Symp., p. 211, 1977.
  10. J. Branch, P.S. Schmidt, and T.F. Edgar. Performance of Gas Turbines and Combined Cycles Operating on Fuels Produced by In Situ Gasification of Lignite.  Proc. 12th Intersociety Energy Conversion Conf., p. 232, 1977.
  11. L.S. Tung and T.F. Edgar. Dynamic Interaction Analysis and its Application to Distillation Column Control.  Proc. IEEE CDC Conf., p. 1107, 1977.
  12. V. Krishnamoorthy and T.F. Edgar. Identification and Estimation of Discrete Models for a Distillation Column.  Proc. Joint Auto. Cont. Conf., p. 1370, 1977.
  13. C.O. Schwanke and T.F. Edgar. A Review of the Application of Modern Control Theory to Distillation Columns.  Proc. Joint Auto. Cont. Conf., p. 1370, 1977.
  14. T.F. Edgar.  The Potential of In Situ Gasification for Texas Lignite.  Proc. Gulf Coast Lignite Conf., p. 131, 1978.
  15. S.J. Hsia, T. Wellborn, and T.F. Edgar. Measurement of Combustion Rates of Texas Lignite with Application to Underground Coal Gasification.  Proc. Fourth UCC Symp., p. 193, 1978.
  16. R.A. Chapman and T.F. Edgar.  Assessment of the Cost and Performance of Particulate Control Devices on Low Sulfur Western Coals.  Symp. on Transfer and Utilization of Particulate Control Tech., 1978.
  17. T.F. Edgar.  Production of Medium Btu Gas by In Situ Gasification of Texas Lignite.  Proc. Industrial Energy Conservation Conf., p. 11, 1979.
  18. L.S. Tung and T.F. Edgar. Least Squares Model Reduction of Multiple Input Multiple Output Linear Systems.  Proc. Joint Auto. Cont. Conf., p. 199, 1979.
  19. J.B. Riggs, C.M. Johnson, and T.F. Edgar. Development of a Three Dimensional Simulator for Cavity Growth During Underground Coal Gasification.  Proc. Fifth UCC Symp., p. 245, 1979.
  20. T.F. Edgar. A Simple Correlating Function for Analysis of ESP Performance in Coal-Fired Power Plants.  Proc. APCA, Houston, TX, 1978.
  21. E. Vogel and T.F. Edgar. An Adaptive Dead Time Compensator for Process Control.  Proc. Joint Auto. Cont. Conf., p. TP5E1, 1980.
  22. R. Natarajan, G.J. Savins, and T.F. Edgar. Prediction of Product Gas Composition for UCG.  Proc. Sixth UCC Symp., III-15, 1980.
  23. W.C. Hunt, S.M. Matteson, J.A. Cadwell, T.H. Tsang, and T.F. Edgar. Pyrolysis Properties of Texas Lignite Under Conditions of In Situ Gasification.  Proc. Sixth UCC Symp., IV-9, 1980.
  24. S. Berg and T.F. Edgar. Stability of Digital Control Algorithms Subject to Model Errors.  Proc. Joint Auto. Cont. Conf., TA5C1, 1980.
  25. T.F. Edgar. Automatic Control Opportunities in Industry Energy Utilization.  Proc. Joint Auto. Cont. Conf., WP7C1, 1980.
  26. E. Vogel and T.F. Edgar. A New Dead Time Compensator for Process Control.  Proc. ISA'80 Conf., Houston, October 1980.
  27. H. P. Tseng, T. A. Wellborn, and T.F. Edgar. Combustion Properties of Texas Lignite.  Proc. UCC Symp., Conf-810923, p. 306, 1981.
  28. N. A. Massey, B. H. Glatzer, and T.F. Edgar. Estimated Costs of Methanol, Hydrogen, and Syngas from In Situ Coal Gasification of Texas Lignite.  Proc. UCC Symp., Conf-810923, p. 397, 1981.
  29. P.G. Christman and T.F. Edgar. Analysis of Sulfur Retention in Fluidized Bed Combustion.  Proc. Lignite Symp., Conf 810658, p. 606, 1981.
  30. E.F. Vogel and T.F. Edgar. Some Recent Developments in Digital Control Algorithms.  Proc. Joint AIChE CIESC Meeting, Chemical Industry Press, Beijing, China, p. 913, 1982.
  31. J.P. Gerry, E.F. Vogel, and T.F. Edgar. Adaptive Control of a Pilot Scale Distillation Column.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 819, 1983.
  32. W. Min and T.F. Edgar. Combustion Tube Studies on the Influence of Water Influx on Steam-Oxygen Gasification of Lignite.  Proc. Ninth UCC, p. 340, 1983.
  33. L.S. Tung and T.F. Edgar. A Study of Pole Placement in Linear Control Systems.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 518, 1984.
  34. M.P. Wellons and T.F. Edgar.  A Generalized Analytical Predictor for Process Control.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 637, 1985.
  35. P.D. Pavlechko and T.F. Edgar. Pole Placement Adaptive Control of Processes Described by Discrete Convolution Models.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., 1984.
  36. D. Little and T.F. Edgar. Predictive Control Using Constrained Optimal Control.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 1365, 1986.
  37. R.W. Horton B.W. Bequette and T.F. Edgar. Developments in Compartmental Modeling in Distillation.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 651, 1986.
  38. P.D. Pavlechko, M.C. Wellons, and T.F. Edgar. An Approach for Adaptive-Predictive Control.  Proc. IFAC Conf. on Adaptive Control of Chemical Processes (Frankfurt/ Germany), p. 37, 1985.
  39. T.F. Edgar.  A Survey of Advanced Digital Control Algorithms and Their Applications.  Proc. Cont. Engr. Conf., p. 345, 1986.
  40. T.F. Edgar. Computing in Chemical Engineering Education. I. Chem. E. Symp. Ser., 101:173, 1987.
  41. B.W. Bequette, R.R. Horton, and T.F. Edgar. Resilient and Robust Control for Energy-Integrated Distillation Columns.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 1027, 1987.
  42. P.D. Pavlechko and T.F. Edgar.  Multivariable Adaptive Control with the Generalized Analytical Predictor.  Proc. IFAC Workshop on Robust Adaptive Control, p. 108, 1988.
  43. T.F. Edgar. Process Control Education: Past, Present, Future.  Proc. U.S.India A Seminar on Chem. Engr. Edu., p. 117, 1988.
  44. D.T. Dalle Molle, B.J. Kuipers, and T.F. Edgar. Qualitative Modeling of Physical Systems.  Proc. PSE'88, p. 169, 1988.
  45. J. Eaton, J. Rawlings, and T.F. Edgar. Model-Predictive Control and Sensitivity Analysis for Constrained Nonlinear Processes.  Proc. IFAC Workshop on Model-Based Control, p. 129, 1990.
  46. A. Patwardhan, J. B. Rawlings, and T.F. Edgar. Model Prodictive Control of Nonlinear Processes in the Presence of Constraints.  Proc. IFAC Symp. on Nonlinear Control Systems Design (A. Isidori, Ed.), p. 456, 1989.
  47. J.R. Bosley and T.F. Edgar.  Effect of Model Simplifications on the Optimal Solution of Batch Distillation Control Policy.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 120, 1989.
  48. G.T. Wright and T.F. Edgar.  Adaptive Control of a Laboratory Water-Gas Shift Reactor with Dynamic Inlet Conditions.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 1828, 1989.
  49. D.T. Dalle Molle and T.F. Edgar. Qualitative Simulation for Process Modeling and Control.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 1360, 1989.
  50. K.J. Allred, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar. Modeling, Optimization and Control of the Selective Plasma Etching of Silicon over Silicon Dioxide.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 101, 1990.
  51. J.R. Bosley A.A. Patwardhan, G.T. Wright, and T.F. Edgar. Model-Based Control: A Survey.  Proc. ADCHEM'91 Conf., p. 139, 1991.
  52. D. Dvorak, B.J. Kuipers, D.T. Dalle Molle, and T.F. Edgar.  Qualitative Simulation for Expert Systems. Proc. IFAC Congress., 7:204, 1990.
  53. K.J. McLaughlin, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar. Development of Techniques for Real-Time Monitoring and Control in Plasma Etching.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 110, 1990.
  54. T.A. Badgwell, I. Trachtenberg, J.K. Elliott, and T.F. Edgar. Development of an Improved Fundamental Model for the Multiwafer LPCVD Reactor.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 2858, 1991.
  55. A.A. Patwardhan and T.F. Edgar.  Nonlinear Model-Predictive Control of a Packed Distillation Column.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 767, 1991.
  56. G.T. Wright and T.F. Edgar. Adaptive Nonlinear Control of a Laboratory Water Gas Shift Reactor.  Proc. ITAC'91 Conf., Preprints, Session 2, 1991.
  57. G.T. Wright, T. Breedijk, and T.F. Edgar. On-Line Parameter Estimation and Adaptation in Nonlinear Model-Based Control.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 2782, 1991.
  58. C. Ling and T.F. Edgar. A New Fuzzy Gain Scheduling Algorithm for Process Control.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 2228, 1992.
  59. J.R. Bosley and T.F. Edgar. Application of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control to Optimal Batch Distillation.  Proc. DYCORD'92 Conf., p. 271, 1992.
  60. T.A. Badgwell, S.G. Bushman, A. Toprac, and T.F. Edgar. Modeling and Control of Microelectronics Materials Processing.  Proc. DYCORD'92 Conf., p. 243, 1992.
  61. C. Ling and T.F. Edgar.  The Tuning of MIMO Fuzzy Heuristic Controllers.  Proc. IFAC Congress, Volume 6, p. 67, 1993.
  62. T. Breedijk, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar. A Model Predictive Controller In Multivariable Temperature Control in Rapid Thermal Processing.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 2980, 1993.
  63. S. Chatterjee, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar. Modeling and Control of RTCVD of Polysilicon.  Proc. RTP'93 Conf., p. 386, 1993.
  64. G.D. Munkvold, K.G. Teague, J.J. Beaman, and T.F. Edgar. Prediction of Bed Pressure Profiles in OBOGS.  Proc. 30th Annual SAFE Conf., p. 58, 1993.
  65. H. Ouarti and T.F. Edgar. The Use of Approximate Models and Exact Linearization for Control of Nonlinear Processes.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 2268, 1993.
  66. T.F. Edgar and Y.L. Huang.  Simultaneous Recovery of Waste Chemicals and Energy in an Oil Refinery.  I&EC Special Symposium, ACS, Atlanta, Georgia, September 1993.
  67. S. Bushman, T.F. Edgar, and I. Trachtenberg.  Process Control and Diagnostics for Plasma Etch Systems.  Proc. Electrochem. Soc., 1994.
  68. K.F. McBrayer and T.F. Edgar. Bias Detection and Estimation in Dynamic Data Reconciliation.  Proc. ADCHEM'94 Conf., p. 531, 1994.
  69. T. Breedijk and T.F. Edgar. Parameter Estimation and Nonlinear Predictive Control for RTP.  Proc. ADCHEM'94 Conf., p. 85, 1994.
  70. J.R. Bosley and T.F. Edgar. Appropriate Modeling Assumptions for Batch Distillation Optimization and Control.  Proc. PSE'94 Conf., p. 477, 1994.
  71. W. Cho, K.S. Balakrishnan, T. F. Edgar, and I. Trachtenberg. Control of Remote Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Nitride.  Proc. PSE'94 Conf., p. 1235, 1994.
  72. T. Breedijk and T.F. Edgar. Model-Based Control of Rapid Thermal Processes.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 887, 1994.
  73. C. Ling and T.F. Edgar. The Experimental Verification of the Model-Based Fuzzy Gain Scheduling Technique.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 2475, 1994.
  74. T. Breedijk and T.F. Edgar. Overview of Process Control Issues in Rapid Thermal Processing.  Proc. RTP'94 Conf., p. 267, Monterrey, CA, 1994.
  75. K.S. Balakrishnan, W. Cho, and T.F. Edgar. Comparison of Controller Tuning Methods for Temperature Uniformity Control in a Rapid Thermal Processor.  Proc. SPIE'94 Conf., volume 2336, p. 71, October 1994.
  76. S. Bushman and T.F. Edgar. Radio Frequency Diagnostics for Plasma Etch Systems.  Proc. SPIE'94 Conf., volume 2336, p. 5, October 1994.
  77. J. Stuber, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar. Model-Based Control of Rapid Thermal Processes.  Proc. IEEE CDC’94 Conf., volume 1, pp. 79-85, December,1994.
  78. D. Sourlas, T.F. Edgar, and V. Manousiouthakis.  Best Achievable Low Order Dentralized Performance.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 3364, 1994.
  79. T.F. Edgar and J. Kantor.  Computing  Skills  in  the  Chemical Engineering  Curriculum.  Proc. Chemputers Conf., p. 87, February, 1995.
  80. J.D. Stuber, T. Breedijk, and T.F. Edgar.  Model-Based Control of Rapid Thermal Processes.  Proc. Electrochem. Soc., p. 113, 1995.
  81. S. Bushman, T.W. Karjala, D.M. Himmelblau, I. Trachtenberg, and T.F. Edgar.  Modeling of Plasma Etch Dynamics Using Linear and Nonlinear Models.  Proc. Electrochem. Soc., p. 218, 1995.
  82. K. Edwards and T.F. Edgar.   General Methods of Kinetic Model Reduction.  Proc. DYCORD,
  83. p. 63, 1995
  84. R. Dunia, Joe Qin, and T.F. Edgar.  Multivariable Process Monitoring Using Nonlinear PLS Approach.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., Seattle, WA p. 756-760, 1995.
  85. R. Dunia, T.F. Edgar, and Benito Fernandez.  Application of the Sliding Surface to Generic Model Control.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., p. 2210, 1995.
  86. R. Dunia, S.J. Qin, T.F. Edgar and T.J. McAvoy.  Sensor Fault Identification and Reconstruction Using Principal Component Analysis.  IFAC Congress '96.  San Francisco, CA. pp. 259-264, July 1996.
  87. K.S. Balakrishnan, T.L. Cooper, and T.F. Edgar.  Model-based Control of a Rapid Thermal Processor.  RTP '96 Symposium, Boise, ID, September 1996.
  88. J. Stuber, I. Trachtenberg and T.F. Edgar.  Optical Temperature Management in RTP by Frequency Analysis of Periodic Light Signals.  RTP '96 Symposium, Boise, ID, September 1996.
  89. Y. Cheng, S.J. Qin and T.F. Edgar.  Monitoring of Batch Processes in Semiconductor Manufacturing Using PCA.  ADCHEM '97, June, 1997.
  90. R. Dunia, S.J. Qin, and T.F. Edgar.  A Unified Approach to Process and Sensor Fault Identification Using PCA.  US/China Joint Chemical Engineering Conference, Beijing, May 19-22, 1997.
  91. Y. Cheng, Q. Wang, T. Riley, M. Miller, and T.F. Edgar.  Monitoring of a RTP Process Using Multi-PCA.  Sixth Internatonal Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing, San Francisco, October 6-8, 1997.
  92. Y. Cheng, J. Qin, and T.F. Edgar.  Modeling of OES Data to Estimate Etch Rate for Etching Equipment.  SPIE 1997 Symposium on Microelectronic Manufacturing, Austin, Vol. 3213, pp. 108-118, October 1997.
  93. B. Ko and T.F. Edgar.  Assessment of Achievable PI Control Performance for Linear Processes with Dead Time.  Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., pp. 1548-1552, June, 1998.
  94. T.F. Edgar.  Process Modeling and Control:  A Vision of the Future.  US/China Joint Chemical Engineering Conference, Beijing, May 19-22, 1997.
  95. T.F. Edgar.  Process Modeling and Control:  A Vision of the Future. Advances in Control 5, Swansea, Wales, September, 1998.
  96. C. Pfeiffer and T.F. Edgar.  Robust Feedback Linearization and Fuzzy Control.  Proceedings of Amer. Cont. Conf. San Diego, CA, pp. 1508-1514, 1999.
  97. B.S. Ko, and T.F. Edgar.  Multiloop PID Control Performance Monitoring.  Submitted to The 8th Congress of Aston Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCCHE), Seoul, Korea, August, 1999.
  98. W.J. Campbell, C. Bode, and T.F. Edgar.  Model-based Control In Microelectronics Manufacturing.  The 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Phoenix, AZ, p. 4185-4192, 1999
  99. D.A. Dixon, G.V. Reklaitis and T.F. Edgar.  Vision 2020:  Computational Needs of the Chemical Industry, Impact of Advances in Computing and Communications Technologies on Chemical Science and Technology, National Academy Press, 1999.
  100. T.F. Edgar.  Process Engineering in the 21st Century:  The Impact of Information Technology.  Phillips Petroleum Lecture:  Oklahoma State University, 1999.
  101. T.F. Edgar.  Information Technology and Chemical Engineering Education:  Evolution or Revolution?  Second Chemical Engineering Academy Lecture:  University of Missouri-Rolla, April, 1999.
  102. B.S. Ko, and T.F. Edgar.  Performance Assessment of Multivariable Feedback Control Systems Using Plant Markov Parameters.  Proc. Amer. Control Conf., p. 4373-4377, 2000.
  103. T.A. Soderstrom and T.F. Edgar.  A Mixed Integer Optimization Approach for Simultaneous Data Reconciliation and Identification of Measurement Bias.  ADCHEM 2000, Pisa, Italy, 2000.
  104. T.F. Edgar.  Information Technology and Chemical Engineering Education:  Evolution or Revolution? ASEE 2000, St. Louis, 2000.
  105. T.F. Edgar.  Chemical Engineering Education and the Three C’s:  Computing, Communication, and Collaboration.  Presented at Annual AIChE Meeting, Los Angeles, November, 2000.
  106. C.A. Bode, A.J. Toprac, R.D. Edwards, and T.F. Edgar.  Lithography Overlay Controller Formulation.  SPIE Meeting, Fall 2000.
  107. A.J. Pasadyn, A.J. Toprac, and T.F. Edgar.  Adaptive Control of Multiple Product Processes, SPIE Meeting, Fall 2000.
  108. J. Hahn and T.F. Edgar.  Reduction of Nonlinear Models Using Balancing of Empirical Gramians and Galerkin Projections.  Proc. Amer. Control Conf., p.2864-2868, 2000.
  109. J. Pasadyn, A.J. Toprac, and T.F. Edgar.  Online Parameter Estimation for Simultaneous Control of Multiple Products and Processes AEC/APC Symposium XII, pp. 319-328, Lake Tahoe, CA, September, 2000.
  110. J. Wood, T.F. Edgar et al.  Deploying Computer-aided Cross-Training of Technicians and Engineers for Semiconductor Manufacturing.  Proc. of Amer. Soc. of Engr. Educ. Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, 2001.
  111. V. Martinez, K.F. McBrayer and T.F. Edgar.  Referential Lot to Lot Control of Photolithography Overlay Process, Proc.  AEC/APC, Banff, Alberta, CA, October, 2001.            
  112. M. Miller, W.J. Campbell, S. Firth and T.F. Edgar.  Defining a Benchmark Suite for Comparison of Run-to-Run Controllers, Proc. AEC/APC, Banff, Alberta, CA, October, 2001.
  113. J. Hahn and T.F. Edgar.  Nonlinearity Quantification and Model Classification using Gramians and other Variance Matrices. Proc. AIChE 2001 Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, November 2001.
  114. B.S. Ko and T.F. Edgar.  Performance Assessment of Multivariable Feedback Control Systems.  Automatica, 37, pp. 899-905, 2001.
  115. S. Alici and T.F. Edgar.  Use of Model Reduction and Identification Tools for Dynamic Data Reconciliation, Proc. of 15th IFAC World Congress, pp. 1491-1495, Barcelona, Spain, 2002.
  116. S.K. Firth, W.J. Campbell and T.F. Edgar. Just in time Adaptive Disturbance Estimation for Run-to-Run Control of Photolithography Overlay, SPIE Meeting, Santa Clara, CA, 2002.
  117. J.T. Lee and T.F. Edgar. Interaction Measure for Decentralized Multivariable Control of Multivariable Processes, Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., pp, 454-459, 2002.
  118. J. Wood,  T.F. Edgar, et al., “Closing the Loop on Cross-Training Technicians and Engineers for Semiconductor Manufacturing,” 2002 ATESM Convention, MATEC, Tempe, AZ, 2002.
  119. C. Bode, T.F. Edgar and B.S. Ko.  Run-to-Run Control and Performance Monitoring of Overlay in Semiconductor Manufacturing.  15th IFAC World Congress, pp. 1480-1484, Barcelona, Spain, 2002.
  120. J. Hahn, U. Krueger, T.F. Edgar and W. Marquardt.  “Application of Model Reduction for Model Predictive Control”, 15th IFAC World Congress, pp. 684-688, Barcelona, Spain, 2002.
  121. J. Campbell, S. Firth, A. Toprac and T.F. Edgar.  “A Comparison of Run-to-Run Control Algorithms”, Proc. Amer. Contr.Conf., pp. 2150-2155, 2002.
  122. T.F. Edgar. “Integrating Instructional Technology in the Classroom,” ASEE Chemical Engineering Summer School, Boulder, CO, July, 2002 (on CD).
  123. T.F. Edgar. “Teaching Process Control”, ASEE Chemical Engineering Summer School, Boulder, CO, July, 2002 (on CD).
  124. T.F. Edgar.  “A Batch Process Control Framework for Semiconductor Manufacturing”, Aspenworld, Washington DC, October 2002.
  125. V. Martinez, K.F. McBrayer and T.F. Edgar. “Adaptive Estimation and Control of Overlay Tool Bias, AEC/APC XII Symposium, Snowbird, UT, September, 2002.
  126. T.A. Soderstrom, D.M. Himmelblau and T.F. Edgar. A Mixed Integer Nonlinear Optimization Based Approach to Simultaneous Data Reconciliation and Bias Identification, FOCAPO 2003, Boca Raton, FL., January, 2003.
  127. S. Harrison, M. Braun, and T.F. Edgar.  An Evaluation of the Effects of Product Mix and Metrology Delay on the Performance of Segregated Versus Threaded EWMA Control, AEC/APC Conference, 2003.        
  128. V. Martinez,  K.F. McBrayer and T.F. Edgar.  On-line Adaptive Estimation and Control of Overlay Tool Bias, SPIE Advanced Microelectronic Manufacturing, Santa Clara, CA, February, 2003.
  129. Y. Chen, V. Manousiouthakis and T.F. Edgar, “On Infinite Time Nonlinear Quadratic Optical Control”, Proc. Conf. Decision and Control, 2003.
  130. J.T. Lee and T.F. Edgar, “Upper Bounds of Structured Singular Values for Mixed Uncertainties”, Proc. Conf. Decision and Control, 2003.
  131. R. Chong, K. Lensing, B. Swain and T.F. Edgar, “Optimizing STI Etch Process Control Using Optical Digital Profilometry”,, June, 2004.
  132. J.D. Hedengren and T.F. Edgar, “In Situ Adaptive Tabulation for Real-time Control”, Proc. Amer. Cont. Conf., pp. 2222-2227, Boston, MA, 2004.
  133. J.B. Rawlings and T.F. Edgar, “Frontiers of Chemical Engineering:  The Systems Approach”, DYCOPS Conf., paper no. 206, Boston, MA, 2004.
  134. J.D. Hedengren and T.F. Edgar, “Order Reduction of Large Scale DAE Models”, Texas A&M Symposium on Complex Processes, 2004.
  135. T.F. Edgar, “Computing Through the Curriculum:  An Integrated Approach for Engineering”, ASEE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, June, 2004.
  136. T.F. Edgar, “When Does Controllability Equal Profitability”, Process Systems Engineering Symposium, Kunming, China, January, 2004.
  137. G. Farmer, T.F. Edgar and N.A. Peppas, “Modeling and Control of the Behavior of Glucose Sensing Devices”, in N.A. Peppas, K. Anseth, A.K. Dillow and C.E. Schmidt, eds., Advances in Biomaterials, Bionanotechnology, Biomimetic Systems and Tissue Engineering, 231-234, AIChE, New York, NY, 2004.
  138. S.A. Harrison, T.F. Edgar, and G.S. Hwang, “Annihilation of Arsenic-Vacancy Complexes in Crystalline Silicon”, 205th Electrochemical Society Conference, San Antonio, TX, May, 2004.
  139. S.A. Harrison, T.F. Edgar, and G.S. Hwang, “Diffusion of Fluorine-Silicon Interstitial Complex in Crystalline Silicon,” Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 2005. 
  140. S.A. Harrison, T.F. Edgar, and G.S. Hwang, “Role of Interstitials in As TED and Clustering in Crystalline Silicon,” Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April, 2005. 
  141. S.A. Harrison, T.A. Kirichenko, D. Yu, T.F. Edgar, S.K. Banerjee, and G.S. Hwang, “Origin of Vacancy and Interstitial Stabilization at the Amorphous-Crystalline Silicon Interface,” Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April, 2005.
  142. T.F. Edgar, “Order Reduction of Large Scale DAE Models”, IFAC 16th World Congress, Prague, Czechoslovakia, July, 2005.
  143. T.F. Edgar, B. Ogunnaike, J. Downs, B.W. Bequette and K.R. Muske, “Renovation of the Undergraduate Process Control Course”, Proceedings of Chemical Process Control VII (CPC7), Lake Louise, Alberta, January, 2006.
  144. B. Ogunnaike, T.F. Edgar and K.R. Muske, “Graduate Process Control Education:  A Global View”, Proceedings of Chemical Process Control VII (CPC7), Lake Louise, Alberta, January, 2006.
  145. J. Hedengren, T.F. Edgar and J.B. Rawlings, “Moving Horizon Estimation – The Explicit Solution”, Proceedings of Chemical Process Control VII (CPC7), Lake Louise, Alberta, January, 2006.
  146. L. Rueda and T.F. Edgar, “Experimental Validation of Model-Based Control Strategies for Multicomponent Azeotropic Distillation”, Proceedings of ADCHEM Symposium, Gramado, Brazil, April, 2006.
  147. A. Prabhu, R. Chong, and T.F. Edgar, “Performance Assessment of Run-to-Run EWMA Controllers”, Proceedings of ADCHEM International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, Gramado, Brazil, pp. 1127-1132, April 2-5, 2006.
  148. S.A. Harrison, T.F. Edgar, and G.S. Hwang, “Mechanisms for Interstitial-Mediated Transient Enhanced Diffusion of N-type Dopants in Crystalline Silicon”, Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April, 2006.
  149. T.F. Edgar.  “Chemical Process Control:  Benchmarks, Technology Drivers, and Future Directions”, The ConFab Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, May, 2006.
  150. A.V. Prabhu and T.F. Edgar.  “A Novel Method for Performance Assessment of Run-to-Run EWMA Controllers”, AEC/APC Symposium XVIII, Westminster, CO, October, 2006.  Best Student Paper Award.
  151. Y. Zhang and T.F. Edgar.  “Bio-reactor Monitoring with Multiway-PCA and Model based-PCA”, AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2006.
  152. Y. Zhang and T.F. Edgar.  “On-line Batch Process Monitoring Using Modified Dynamic Batch PCA”, Proceedings of the 2007 ACC Conference, pp. 2551-2556, New York City, NY, 2007.
  153. T.G. Farmer, N.A. Peppas, and T.F. Edgar.  “Design of A Polymeric Insulin Infusion System for Blood Glucose Control”, Proceedings of the 2007 ACC Conference, pp.607-612-New York City, NY, 2007.
  154. H. Lee, M. Funk and T.F. Edgar.  “Advantages of Wafer-to-Wafer Feedback Control for High Volume Polysilicon Gate Etch Process Using Integrated Scatterometry”, AEC/APC XIX Symposium, Indian Wells, CA, 2007.
  155. J. Wang, Q.P. He, and T.F. Edgar.  “A General Framework for State Estimation in High-Mix Semiconductor Manufacturing”, Proceedings of the 2007 ACC Conference, pp.3636-3641, New York City, NY, 2007.
  156. X. Liang, D.B.Weber, T.F. Edgar, L.W. Lake, M. Sayarpour, and A.A. Yousef.  “Optimization of Oil Production in a Reservoir Based on Capacitance Model of Production and Injection Rates”, SPE 107713, SPE Hydrocarbon Economics and Evaluation Symposium, Dallas, TX, 2007.
  157. W. Cho, J.T. Lee, and T.F. Edgar.  “Nonlinear Model Identification for Temperature Control in a Single Wafer Rapid Thermal Processing”, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November, 2007.
  158. Zhang, Y, and T.F. Edgar.  “Generalized Model Based Design of Experiments (DOE)
  159. Criteria for DAE System Parameter Estimation”, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November, 2007.
  160. J. Lee, C.H. Je, S.W. Sung, and T.F. Edgar.  “Multiple Switching Relay for Identification of Frequency Responses”, 17th IFAC World Congress, 2008.
  161. A.V. Prabhu, T.F. Edgar, and R.P. Good.  “Missing Data Estimation for Run-to-Run EWMA Controlled Processes, Proceedings of the Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations (FOCAPO) Conference, pp. 327-330, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 2008.
  162. Y. Zhang, and T.F. Edgar.  “A Robust Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm for Batch Trajectory Synchronization”, Proceedings of the 2008 ACC Conference, pp. 2864-2869, Seattle, Washington, 2008.
  163. R. Dunia, T.F. Edgar, and F. Haugen.  “A Complete Programming Framework for Process Control Education”, 2008 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, 2008.
  164. H. Lee, et al., “Advanced Profile Control and the Impact of Sidewall Angle at Gate Etch for Critical Nodes”, SPIE, San Jose, February, 2008.
  165. B.R. Parkinson, H.J. Lee, T.F. Edgar, D. Prager, and M. Funk.  “Application of Multivariable Control in Wafer-to-Wafer Control of Plasma Etching Systems, AEC/APC Symposium, Salt Lake City, October 2008.
  166. K.H. Baek and T.F. Edgar.  “Optimum Sensor Selection and Utilization Technique for Plasma Etching”, AEC/APC Symposium, Salt Lake City, October 2008.
  167. M. Fowler and T.F. Edgar.  “Control Precise Blending of Semiconductor Processing Solutions”, AEC/APC Symposium, Salt Lake City, October 2008.
  168. J. Stuber, H. Lee and T.F. Edgar.  “Dynamic Sampling in Automated Process Control”, AEC/APC Symposium, Salt Lake City, October 2008.     
  169. S.Z. Fashami, S. Cohen, G. T. Rochelle, T.F. Edgar, M. Webber.  “Flexible Operation of Amine Scrubbing in Response to Electric Demand and Pricing”, GHG Symposium, 2008.
  170. Y. Zhang and T.F. Edgar.  “A Robust Derivative Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm for Batch Process Control”, Proceedings of the 2008 ACC Conference, pp. 2864-2869, Seattle, WA 2008.
  171. T.F. Edgar.  “Process Monitoring and Control of Plasma Etching”, Vol. STS-2, pp. 65-77, Semicon Korea, Seoul, Korea, January 2008.
  172. T.F. Edgar.  “Process Control:  Batch to the Future”, Adconip Conference, pp. 10-19, Jasper, Alberta, May, 2008.
  173. A.V. Prabhu, R.P. Good and T.F. Edgar.  “Missing Data Estimation for Run-to-Run EWMA-Controlled Processes”, Proceedings of Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations, (FOCAPO 2008), Boston, MA, June, 2008.
  174. S. Ziaii, S. Cohen, G.T. Rochelle, T.F. Edgar and M.E. Webber.  “Dynamic Operation of Amine Scrubbing in Response to Electricity Demand and Pricing”, GHGT-9 Meeting, November, 2008.
  175. D. Weber, T.F. Edgar, L.W. Lake, L. Lasdon, S. Kawas, and M. Sayarpour.  “Improvements in Capacitance-Resistive Modeling and Optimization of Large Scale Reservoirs”, 2009 Society of Petroleum Engineers Western Regional Meeting, San Jose, CA, March, 2009.
  176. I. Castillo, and T.F. Edgar.  “Using a Distributed Control System (DCS) for Distillation Column Control in an Undergraduate Unit Operations laboratory”, 2009 American Control Conference, pp. 2744-2748, St. Louis, MO, June, 2009.
  177. J. Wang, Q. Peter He, and T.F. Edgar.  “Control Performance Assessment and Diagnosis for Semiconductor Process”, 2010 American Control Conference
  178. I. Castillo, T.F. Edgar, and B.R. Fernandez, “Robust Nonlinear Fault Detection Applied to Chemical Processes,” 2010 American Control Conference .
  179. S. Z. Fashami, T.F. Edgar, G.T. Rochelle, “The Interaction of Design and Control of Amine Scrubbing System in Response to Electricity and CO2 Prices,” Int’l Symposium on Sustainable Chemical Products and Process Engineering, May 2010.
  180. S. Ziaii, G.T. Rochelle, T.F. Edgar, “Optimum Design and Control of Anime Scrubbing in Response to Electricity and CO2 prices,” Energy Procedia  (in press)
  181. I. Castillo, T.F. Edgar, R. Dunia, “Nonlinear Model-Based Fault Detection with Fuzzy Set Fault Isolation,” IECON 2010.
  182. A.P. Nguyen, L. Lake, T.F. Edgar, J.S. Kim, B. Haynes, "Integrated Capacitance Resistive Model for Reservoir Characterization in Primary and Secondary Recovery," SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, 30 October – 2 November, 2011.
  183. R. Dunia, T.F. Edgar, "Tumor Irrigation Model for Virotherapy Cancer Treatment," Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 1530-1535, 2011.
  184. K. M. Powell, T.F. Edgar, "Control of a Large Scale Solar Thermal Energy Storage System," Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 5426-5431, 2011.
  185. A. Nguyen, L. Lasdon, L. Lake, and T.F. Edgar, "Capacitance Resistive model Application to Optimize Waterflood in a West Texas Field," SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, CO, 30 October – 2 November, 2011.
  186. A.P. Nguyen, T.F. Edgar, and L.W. Lake, "Comparison of Capacitance Resistive Model, Integrated Capacitance Resistive Model and Streamlined Results," Center for Petroleum Asset Risk Management Meeting, Austin, TX, Dec 1-2, 2011.
  187. I. Castillo, T.F. Edgar, and D. Hill, "Model Based Multiple Fault Detection and Isolation for Nonlinear Systems," Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations (FOCAPO), Savannah, GA, January 8-11, 2012.
  188. B. Spivey, J.D. Hedengren, and T.F. Edgar, "Constrained Control and Optimization of Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells for Extending Cell Lifetime," Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 1356-1361, 2012.
  189. W.J. Cole, T.F. Edgar, and A. Novoselac, "Use of Model Predictive Control to Enhance the Flexibility of Thermal Energy Storage Cooling Systems," Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 2788-2793, 2012.
  190. R. Dunia, V. Kumar, T.F. Edgar, T. Blevins, and W. Wojsznis, "Multistate PCA for Continuous Processes," Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 6673-6678, 2012.
  191. R. Dunia, V. Kumar, T.F. Edgar, T. Blevins, and W. Wojsznis, "Multistate PLS for Continuous Processes," Proc. American Control Conference, pp. 2794-2799, 2012.
  192. J. Davis, T.F. Edgar, J. Porter, J. Bernaden, M.S. Sarli, "Smart Manufacturing, Manufacturing Intelligence and Demand-Dynamic Performance," Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations (FOCAPO), Savannah, GA, January 8-11, 2012.
  193. J.J. Siirola and T.F Edgar, "Process Energy Systems: Control, Economics and Sustainability Objectives," Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production, Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations (FOCAPO), Savannah, GA, January 8-11, 2012.
  194. J.S. Kim, L.W. Lake, T.F. Edgar, "Integrated Capacitance-Resistance Model for Characterizing Waterflooded Reservoirs," Proc. IFAC (Norway), 2012.
  195. R. Dunia, T.F. Edgar, G.T. Rochelle, and M. Nixon, "Monitoring of Carbon Dioxide Capture Processes," Proc. American Control Conference, submitted, 2013.
  196. S.Z. Fashami, G.T. Rochelle, and T.F. Edgar, "An Effective Multi-loop Control System to Improve Control Performance of CO2 Capture," Proc. American Control Conference, submitted, 2013.
  197. J.S. Kim, K.M. Powell, and T.F. Edgar, "Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for a Heavy-duty Gas Turbine Power Plant," submitted, Proc. American Control Conference, 2013.
  198. M.S. Walters, R.H. Dunia, T.F. Edgar, and G.T. Rochelle, "Two-Stage Flash for CO2 Regeneration: Dynamic Modeling and Pilot Plant Validation," Submitted, Energy Procedia, 2013.
  199. J. Wang, Q.P. He, and T.F. Edgar, " Improved state estimation for high-mix semiconductor manufacturing," submitted, Proc. American Control Conference, 2013.
  200. K.M. Powell, J.D. Hedengren, and T.F. Edgar, "Dynamic Optimization of a Solar Thermal Energy Storage System over a 24 Hour Period using Weather Forecasts," submitted, Proc. American Control Conference, 2013.
  201. W.J. Cole, E. Hale, and T.F. Edgar, "Building energy model reduction for model predictive control using OpenStudio," submitted, Proc. American Control Conference, 2013.

Thesis and Dissertations

  1. V. Krishnamoorthy, 12/76, On Line Identification and Multivariable Control of a Distillation Column.
  2. L. S. Tung, 8/79, Analysis and Control of Large Scale Processes with Limited Measurements.
  3. T. H. Tsang, 5/80, Modeling of Heat and Mass Transfer During Coal Block  Gasification.
  4. P. Christman, 12/81, Analysis of Simultaneous Diffusion and Chemical Reaction in the Calcium Oxide-Sulfur Dioxide System.
  5. E. Vogel, 5/82, Adaptive Control of Chemical Processes with Variable Dead Time.
  6. H. P. Tseng, 12/82, Identification of the Combustion Behavior of Coal Char Between 350 C and 900 C.
  7. R. Kochhar, 5/84, Mechanisms of Sulfur Retention by Lignite Ash During Isothermal Sulfation.
  8. K. Park, 12/84, Investigation of Cavity Growth Mechanisms for Underground Gasification of Western Coals.
  9. H. Chang, 12/84, Process Analysis and Simulation of Underground Coal Gasifica­tion.
  10. T. Westby, 12/84, Carbon Combustion Efficiency and Sulfur Oxide Emissions During Fluidized Bed Combustion of Texas Lignite.
  11. W. Min, 5/85, Studies of the Influence of Water Influx on Steam-Oxygen Gasification of Lignite.
  12. T. Yount, 5/86, Simulation of the Performance of an Atmospheric Pressure Fluidized Bed Combustor.
  13. W. Bequette, 11/86, Measurement Selection and Control System Design for Multivariable Interacting Processes.
  14. A. Alsop, 4/87, Nonlinear Chemical Process Control by Means of Linearizing State and Input Variable Transformations.
  15. R. Horton, 5/87, Multivariable Control of an Energy Integrated Distillation  Column.
  16. M. Mai, 1/87, Analysis of Simultaneous Calcination, Sintering, and Sulfation of Calcium Hydroxide under Furnace Sorbent Injection Conditions.
  17. P. Pavlechko, 5/87, An Adaptive Generalized Analytical Prediction for Process Control.
  18. K. McLaughlin, 5/89, Development of Techniques for Real-Time Monitoring and Control of Plasma Etching.
  19. D. Dalle Molle, 8/89, Qualitative Simulation of Dynamic Chemical Processes.
  20. In-Won Kim, 8/90, Robust Errors in Variables Estimation Using Nonlinear Programming Techniques.
  21. Noel Bell, 5/90, Steady-State and Dynamic Modeling of a Fixed Bed Water-Gas Shift Reactor.
  22. K. Allred, 8/91, Modeling, Optimization, and Control of Selective Plasma Etching of Silicon and Silicon Dioxide
  23. G. Munkvold, 12/90, A Multicomponent Predictive Model for Pressure Swing Adsorption Applied to Air Separation
  24. S. Butler, 5/91, Etching and Polymerization in Fluorocarbon-Hydrogen Plasmas: Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Investigation
  25. M. Liebman, 5/91, Reconciliation of Process Measurements Using Statistical and Nonlinear Programming Techniques
  26. A. Patwardhan, 5/91, Modeling and Control of a Packed Distillation Column
  27. A.Toprac, 8/92, Modeling and Experimentation in the Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon in a Single Wafer Rapid Thermal System
  28. G. T.Wright, 5/92, Modeling and Nonlinear Predictive Control of a Fixed-Bed Water-Gas Shift Reactor
  29. T. Badgwell, 12/92, Modeling and Optimization of Multiwafer Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactors
  30. S. Chatterjee, 12/93, Modeling and Parameter Estimation in a Single Wafer Rapid Thermal Reactor
  31. C. Ling, 12/93, A Study of New Model-based Fuzzy Control Techniques and their Verifications
  32. J. Bosley, 5/94, An Experimental Investigation of Modeling, Control, and Optimization
  33. T. Breedijk, 12/94, Model Identification and Nonlinear Predictive Control of Rapid Thermal Processing Systems.
  34. S. Bushman, 12/95, Process Monitoring, Modeling, and Control of Plasma Etch Systems.
  35. K. McBrayer, 2/96, Detection and Identification of Bias in Nonlinear Dynamic Processes.
  36. J. Stuber, 9/96, Modeling Control and Temperature Measurement in Rapid Thermal Processing.
  37. R. Dunia, 5/97.  A Unified Geometric Approach for Process Monitoring and Control.
  38. K. Edwards, 12/97.  Kinetic Model Reduction Utilizing Optimization and Variable Selection Techniques.
  39. S. Morrison, 5/98.  Scheduling Methods for Batch Digestors, Batch Process Plants, and Job Shops with the Conveyor Algorithm.
  40. K. Balakrishnan, 5/98.  Temperature and Process Uniformity Control in Rapid Thermal Processing.
  41. K. Teague, 5/99.  Productive Dynamic Model of a Small Nonisothermal Pressure Swing Air Separation Process.
  42. J. Campbell, 8/99.  Run-to-Run Control of Chemical Mechanical Planarization.
  43. C. Pfeiffer, 12/99.  Analysis and Design of Heterogeneous Control Laws for Nonlinear Chemical Processes.
  44. B.S. Ko, 5/00.  On Performance Assessment of Feedback Control Loops.
  45. T. Soderstrom, 5/01.  Integration of On-Line Data Reconciliation and Bias Identification Techniques.
  46. C. Bode, 5/01.  Run-to-Run Control of Overlay and Linewidth in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
  47. S. Alici, 8/01.  Dynamic Data Reconciliation using Process Simulation Software and Model Identification Tools.
  48. A. Pasadyn, 10/01.  Simultaneous Run-to-Run Control and Identification for Multiple Products and Process Environments.
  49. J. Hahn, 5/02.  A Balancing Approach to Analysis and Reduction of Nonlinear Systems. 
  50. S.B. Hwang, 5/02.  Modeling of RTCVD of SiGe.
  51. J. Schell, 5/02.  Modeling and Control of Reactive Distillation Column.
  52. S.K. Firth, 12/02.  Just-in-Time Adaptive Disturbance Estimation for Run-to-Run Control in Semiconductor Processes.
  53. V.M. Martinez, 12/02.  Adaptive Run-to-Run Control of Overlay in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
  54. J. Peng, 5/03.  Modeling and Control of Packed Reactive Distillation Columns.
  55. S. Lextrait, 5/04.  Packed Reactive Distillation Columns, Modeling, Simulation, and Control Analyses.
  56. J. Hedengren, 5/05. Real-time Estimation and Control of Large-scale Nonlinear DAE Systems.
  57. W. Cho, 5/05.  Modeling and Control of Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor.
  58. L. Rueda, 12/05.  Modeling and Control of Multicomponent Distillation Systems Separating Highly Non-Ideal Mixtures.
  59. D. Castiniera, 5/06.  Modeling of Flare Combustion Systems Using Computational Fluid Dynamics.
  60. S. Harrison, 5/06.  First-principles Modeling of Arsenic and Fluorine Behavior  Ultrashallow Junction Formation.
  61. K. Chamness, 12/06.  Integrated Methods for Semiconductor Process Monitoring and Fault Detection.
  62. T. Farmer, 5/07.  Intravenous Closed-Loop Glucose Control In Type I Diabetic Patients.
  63. A. Prabhu, 8/08.  Performance Monitoring of Run-to-Run Control Systems used in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
  64. Y. Zhang, 8/08.  Improved Methods in Statistical and First Principles Modeling for Batch Process Control and Monitoring.
  65. H. Lee, 8/08.  Advanced Process Control and Optimal Sampling in Semiconductor Manufacturing.
  66. D. Thiele, 5/09.   Novel Methods that Improve Feedback Performance of Model Predictive Control with Model Mismatch.
  67. D. Weber, 8/09.   The Use of Capacitance-Resistance Models to Optimize Injection Allocation and Well Location in Water Floods.
  68. S. Abrol, 8/09.   Advanced Tabulation Techniques for Faster Dynamic Simulation, State Estimation and Flowsheet Optimization.